Calling All Dragon Egg Owners!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Each owner will get 20 eggs in exchange for their 1. No one else will following when the patch comes out. There is going to be a way of obtaining the eggs different to all that, and different to anything currently out that you could find about obtaining them. It's not going to be dragons in the end. Finding the beginning of the road is going to be extremely difficult, and the road is only more so.

    You bought your egg because it was unique. Trust me when I say I understand that (I have 2 again). The fact is that we bought our eggs because we had the most rupees/ we're willing to pay the most for them at the time. The fact is, in an ideal situation, anyone with 2 million rupees should be able to buy one, even if the system stayed the way it is. We didn't fight the dragons for our eggs, we bought them. Frankly the current system left the eggs stagnant (players holding on to them - myself included). I mean, a week ago, what egg could you have bought?

    What ends up happening is the USE for the eggs becomes the new shining achievement. You'll have 20 eggs to start off with, and that's more than anyone else will have for a long long time (other than other owners). The use of the egg will become the display piece, and everyone that puts in LOTS of hard work could get to the same place. That's what's fair.

    You'll still have a 20 egg lead. I'd equate it to running a marathon and you've started 15 miles in. If you even walk, no matter who the runners at the start are, you'll stay ahead for a long long time. If you don't, you'll be overpassed in time (A long time judging by what is required).
  2. Moose - you have 40 eggs not 2...

    I don't think the issue is We want more eggs (thanx) - I think it's the way that you are doing it...

    It wasnt a community thing...

    And about the SMP4 and beyond... I'd like to point out that I was prepared 120% to get the egg the minute smp4 opened... however you decided - hey these guys can't work together to decide who gets the egg so we'll just /kill mr. enderdragon - etc etc....

    I'm certainly not saying you aren't trying but there are other ways to make us decenters at least somewhat happy.
  3. It WAS a majority community decision. As icecreamcow stated above, the mods have been asked time and time again to bring back the dragon and the dragon eggs because it was unfair that only a choice few were able to obtain the egg (Search dragon egg in the forum post and you will be able to find some of these posts).

    As someone who owns a dragon egg, I too am a little sad that the dragon eggs will no longer be as RARE as they once were, but on the other hand, we are being told that they will not just be a decoration item anymore.

    From the view of someone without an egg, if eggs were given a use and there were only 5 in existence, it would be pretty unfair. And as ignoramoose stated, the current owners are not in a rush to sell their eggs at the moment, so obtaining one would be nearly impossible. The idea of having a use to them (hopefully not hatching a dragon though) is extremely exciting and should be the main focus of the community at this time. Yes, the current owners will be a bit miffed at the idea that there will be more eggs, but one must think of the EMC community as a whole and the outcome will benefit us all =D
  4. well im happy im in the prosses of obtaining one
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  5. It was absolutely a community thing. Nothing about it wasn't a community thing. The point of the new feature IS to be a COMMUNITY thing.

    I don't get why you're UNHAPPY. Please explain how you would have done things differently (which I'm not sure what you can come up with, because you don't even KNOW what you're unhappy about yet).
    bonzd67, MR2R2M, ob1bob69 and 2 others like this.
  6. Would this be too expensive to do for mos normal members?
  7. Well, more shenanigans at smp1's Spawn. Come by to find me in a room underneath the chest :D I may be afk though...

    Thankfully, IcecreamCow gave me an upgrade from the last hole... (Find earlier in this thread - a measly 5 blocks, like 20 ocelots, and a Water Source Block)

    Anyway I am just chilling in my dank hole and IcC uncovers the top, Throws some Splash Speed Potions at me, Roughly 23 Cookies, and a whole bunch more ocelots because the others despawned...

    But in the process of expanding this happened...

    Let's just say I was horrified ;) lol

    But here is the finished Product... I am very satisfied Pay no attention to IcecreamCow's chat message....

    Let's not forget about the Brand new TV set! Have a Splendid Day!

    mba2012 likes this.
  8. That's actually the opposite of what this will do. Right now only those with MILLIONS of rupees can get an egg and ONLY if one of the very few who have one want to sell it. This way won't cost you anything but building relationships with other members and fighting evil together. :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. Will the eggs act like tokens to claim plots of the wilderness? if so that would help keep their trading value up...

    Also will there be a way of buying and placing bedrock?
  10. I thought you guys banned jlopez24, 621op, and SWM?!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
    mtp1997 likes this.

  11. Poor JLopez. He was just a misguided teen... :)

    As for the VoiceOver work, that probably should have been a separate thread. All I saw in the 32.6 seconds I looked was dragon egg talk. I'm Too lazy to look any longer.

    While I will not volunteer my voice services, I can offer my ability to modify/remix sound. Just supply me with some sort of source file, and a guideline of wants/needs, and I can work something out. The only thing I have on my old soundcloud is something from last year.
    Maxarias likes this.
  12. pat2011 likes this.
  13. The Utopian Dragon Egg
    Have Been Sold.
  14. To who??
  15. To EmpireShop for 1rupee :rolleyes: