[CONTEST] Story Writing Competition

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SuperVal_Junior, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. It was cool
  2. So who won this?!?!?
  3. in the middle of deciding! all the stories are good!
  4. Oh, I actually posted one!
  5. Still deciding wow....
  6. 1st- Robot_Chicken_66
    2nd- MissMadison910
    3rd- Matt64091 18144 smp9 10 collect your prizes
    hayjam likes this.
  7. Congrats robot chicken!
  8. And it is 1.3
  9. So when do we get our prize money?! Lol
  10. Lol I'm not in-game. Now would be later.
  11. Poking dokily :3