Death, spammers, griefers, pvp, death, bankrupcy, waiting, death, boredom, my dragon eggs not hatching (Hint, hint!), death, dirt, not being able to think of things, and death. Did I mention death?
the logic; you throw a tomahawk at a persons foot and it kills them immediately, you shoot from one side of the map to the other and get a headshot and my personal favorite you can shoot a guy twenty times in the chest and hey don't die.
I get annoyed by Roblox noobs who come on MC Servers just to spam Bad Grammer and Say :LOLZ TRKIDJEu MCCC SUXZ ROBLX IS DEEE BESSTZZ"-Anon" I have seen someone who was on a server I used to go to say that. I forgot their name but I will just call the person Anon.