Rupee beggars, sore losers, griefers, bugs, people who get mad when I try to help them, easy-to-report people, spam, caps, "lol" in every post and thread, grammar errors, punctuation errors, spelling errors, and people who whine about dying in the Wild.
LOL MEZ TO Beggers... I have some fun with them on SMP3, by saying I'm giving away all my money, and then locking myself in my house.
You mean just a harmless suggestion, or someone who knows that someone already asked and it got denied, or they know it won't be approved?
CAPS, beggars, spammers, people who seem to not know about the existence of local chat, people who seem to not know about the existence of /tells, people who use /rc instead of local just because it's a shiny purple colour, SMP1's resident 8 year old club, the sort of people who think that everyone wants to hear their convo then does it in town chat, you spelt as u, why spelt as y, see spelt as c, people who put ???????? after every question, eggers, chickens, chickens, flyers, chickens, people who don't read the guide, people who won't read the guide, people who ask the command for everything - even /help, people who spam shop ads over and over, that lot who keep whispering to me to buy their enchantments. I could go on...
People that just want to win everthing, beggars, diamond falling into the lava, having full inv, having empty inv, not having internet, beggars, every sentence with an xD! or a lol! or something like that, caps, people shouting, people fighting, not eating fresh salad, food from another day, dirty stuff andddd im off.