Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. This is my first instance of new dragons, I'm surprised I got some.
    Seberling and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
  2. I'm going to try to get all 3. Stand by...

    EDIT: I have a "Neglected Pillow" now...
    Seberling and Crazy1080 like this.
  3. Seems like "brines" are VERY hard to get, and they only drop hourly. This is going to be a loong night... :D
    Crazy1080 likes this.
  4. If it's any consolation, I already gave up.
    Seberling and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
  5. Mission accomplished.

    EDIT:I've already had to fog one of them. I'll either take them off NDER or EMC. I knew this would happen... :rolleyes:
  6. So I've been seeing these dragons for ages in people's sigs. You know how the saying goes "If you can't beat them..."

    EDIT: What's the difference between "clicks" and "views"?
  7. Views are when in your signature you post and then someone loads the page with your signature. Clicks is when they click the actual eggs.
  8. Seberling likes this.
  9. Space when the brine grows up can youbreed me one?:D
  10. aaw sorry. Didn't think anyone would try, was just curious if anyone had tried before. Ugh, now your stuck with a dead egg for a couple weeks. :(
  11. I'll give it a shot! I've got it here and the NDER, but this might take a lot of views.
  12. My dead magi egg (it was underviewed) is supposed to be off my scroll today, but it isn't...
  13. Post it on the one inmy sig too! Eztra views!
  14. Bah. I really need it to be halloween so I can get a Black Marrow. -.-
  15. I almost got a Vampire one like 3 times, but someone got it before me :/
  16. You guys and your rares...
    My rarest is an Albono :(

    Man, a Neglected Dragon would be nice...
    The rarest in Dragon Cave...
  17. Rarest is actually the fog dragon, one in existance. Happened b/c a glitch, that kept the fog sprite when he unhid it.