Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Yay! I made the 50 mark and got a little trophy!:D
  2. Lol I know, I was laughing at myself at the same time.
  3. Done. I will be getting an account soon.
    foodenator likes this.
  4. Once they grow up, do dragons need clicks to still live? And can they ever die?
  5. Good questions. 1) Dragons need clicks as eggs, hatchlings (sometimes called hatchies) and mature hatchlings. As an adult, no. 2) Not as an adult. Eggs and hatchies can get sick and die, you can kill them (don't do that; abandon it if you don't want it.), or they might not get enough views.

    You see the fog clouds around two of my eggs? Do that when they are sick. You'll see a notice at the top of the page.
    foodenator likes this.
  6. foodenator likes this.
  7. Nope. I'd LIKE one, but pretty much everyone does! ;)
  8. I want this egg so bad... Who cares if it's fake?
    Qwerty189 and oidgod like this.
  9. Some new dragon eggs seem to have appeared, or at least ones that weren't (at the time) listed on the wiki.

    They appear to be rather common, but it's anyone's guess...
  10. What the?
  11. LOL, that top one looks like a Neglected Pillow...
  12. Notice all the dragon habitats are empty, now you know why.
    Check my scroll if you're a skeptic. :)
  13. You're right! But how'd you get those already?
  14. I know. :)
  15. I use my computer a lot. :P I just happened to be one of the first people to nab one, and there should only be about 30 in existence at this point.

    Guess I didn't get the other new egg.. :(
  16. Now there's a ton of people looking to get one of those. The AP is packed...

    EDIT: Just got a Rancid one. Check it out!
  17. I'll bet.