0r NEVER! D: It's actually quite stocked ahaha. The meaning of life is to grow physically, mentally and spiritually. It's about traveling down different paths of your life and making decisions. You will make some mistakes, as all of us do. We learn from them and grow stronger. It's about being true to yourself, standing alone sometimes when you really believe in something and not fearing retribution. It means to love those around you, help where you can, be known as a person that can be trusted and just do the best you can. If we didn't feel sadness we could never experience happiness; if we didn't get angry on occasion we would never know peace, and if we didn't trust our hearts we'd never know love. Yes, it's about pro-creating, but life is much more than that if you open your eyes, ears and heart and listen! Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_meaning_of_life#ixzz226Ne98rH The meaning of donates: So American police officers can eat them in their cars.
Why did you start playing on emc? and was there anyone who influenced you when you did start playing?
I had a few friends on EMC who got me started, they no longer play d3r3k and Leo were a great influence