SMP5 Mob Arena Event

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. ty its sopongebob who lives in the dark corner under your bed
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  2. I died cuz of a stupid creeper
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. Sssss.jpg

    This is what the Creeper has to say about YOU!
  4. Well then again, you are a creeper.
  5. He was my brother...

    @Zoebear How dare you insult my brother! I will contact the Creeper Queen :mad:
  6. Oh well, Whats the queen gonna do, Blow me up?
  7. Spawn natural creepers toblow you up to minecraft blocks!
  8. Like I havent experienced that before.
  9. I would also contact the Enderman King for backup....
  10. *Random LEGO creation made in 5 minutes appears*
  11. Is that your profile pic :p
  12. Nope, just a LEGO pda or something I made
  13. I wanna play one...........
  14. Who doesnt....
    PenguinDJ, Chascarrillo and DogsRNice like this.