SMP5 Mob Arena Event

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Will there be 1 tomorrow? I Think i can catch 1 game tomorrow.
  2. Might be one tonight, they usually happen at around this time. Shaun's do :)
  3. I missed yesterday's, the day before's and the one I heard about. I better not miss another one :p

    *Meanwhile on DayZ*
    Me: Dude, there's a zombie over there.
    Dude: I'm hungry
    Me: Lets find some food *eats food*
    Dude: DIEEE! *kills me*

    And that's the reason I want to play in a no-PvP arena :p
  4. It's only 7:00am...
  5. Time zones :)
  6. For me it's 3 o clock in the afternoon :eek: I've only been awake since 12 aswell, lol.
  7. Well I live in CA
  8. Pfft. Who lives in Eastern time these dayz? :p
    albinopolarbear1 likes this.
  9. Ca = Western Time *MEGA facepalm*
    Terminator908 likes this.
  10. I think he was making a point about me being the one on the trend
  11. Well more people live on the east coast then the west coast sooooooooo...
  12. Will there be a game around now for the GMT players?
  13. When is the next game? I've already missed 3. -_-
  14. I wasnt.
  15. Is there going to be another one soon I really want to play one
  16. i wanna play some ARENA!!!!!
    Happyshopper likes this.
  17. Picture and post go together o.o
  18. thats the point
  19. OT but love your pic XD