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Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 1998golfer, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and AlexChance like this.
  2. Now im getting you can only connect to one server at a time.
  3. Advertise on someone else's thread?
    It doesn't, it affects everyone.
    They have the bug, they have the fix, it's just that Justin has to install it.
  4. i effects me too not just supporters
  5. everyone is effected, but only supporters have so far commented
  6. Well... Your a Well-Kown Member maybe it doesnt effect members and guests
  7. Second time: It affects everyone :)
  8. WOW! I lost 14 levels! Level 45 down to level 31! Rawr!
  9. They apparently fixed it a few weeks ago by replacing the RAM in the server, Evidently not >.<
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. Are you....
    Jeanzl Look at his post.
  11. this is really annoying i want to get on badly but it wont let me!
  12. Aww hell nuh. :(
  13. yeah im just a member not well known
  14. they're back
  15. Ouch! thats some expensive stuff right there! 64 gigs of ram woudl run at LEAST 500 bucks!
  16. I wrote that before i reset the thread.
    If EMC had Chat on the website

    <Jeanzl2000>I CANT LOG IN!!!
    <everyone> me either!!!
    <random guy>Its the end of the world!
    More people saying they cant log in
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  17. Problem fixed. Locked?
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  18. guys EMC is working now
  19. They don't have 64 gigs, It's a marketing ploy.
  20. Really? My pc is bein upgraded to 32gigs. I wonder what ECM actually had then...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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