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Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 1998golfer, Jul 15, 2012.

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  1. The server would at most need to have 16 gigs.

    OT: What version of windows are you running?
  2. The issue is in the main database of a server that's hosted. We are upset with the host and they are constantly trying to find it and let us know. Our other solution is to move servers to another one. Problem is, since this is our main database server, it means EMC has to go down for a long time (many many hours at least) to move everything. We're holding that option out for an absolute last resort option.

    We think a few minutes every now and then for a restart is better while the problem is being looked into than many hours of down time (unless we eventually have to, of course).

    See above.


    It happens for everyone. Supporters are just the ones posting at the moment. :p

    I'm not sure this is accurate, or that it was confirmed found yet.

    This doesn't make sense. We do have 64 gigs and have for a long time.

    Maybe a generic server. We're way beyond a generic server.

    With all that said, it looks like it's all fixed now. :)
  3. So why then only host 2 MC servers on that and waste about 40GB Why not go for a 24GB server and save yourself 250$ or so
  4. While I can't comment on the specifics, understand Justin is very smart at what he does and everything is setup for a reason and for growth. All I know is we're very uniquely setup and comparing us to any other MC server wouldn't make sense.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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