Greatest and funniest moments also, like this one: I was at LLO (It was my first time) and Mrlegitislegit was guiding me throught the outpost. he was cleaning some lava and I stupidly fell in the hole and died. Notice Mrlegitislegit's message
Back on topic, how about a Referral idea much like EVE had, if you get a new member to join and they then become a supporter you would earn supporter or membership credits, save a few up for a free month or some thing like that?
Do you like any of the ideas? Added. And that is an interesting idea and could work with other things not just referals. (Maybe doing one action gives you a certain amouts of points and another action another amount of points and then at the end of the month the players with the top 3 scores win.
Not knockin' on you just having some fun. Yeah sometimes the things I mean to say and the things that come out of my phone would get me killed if I really meant it.