Reset Needed??

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Munchie86, Jul 9, 2012.


Should the empire wild's be reset again?

Poll closed Jul 16, 2012.
Yes 18 vote(s) 22.8%
No 54 vote(s) 68.4%
I really don't care 7 vote(s) 8.9%
  1. Bad for us, besides refusing to renew memberships, which I do not expect anyone to do, there is little we can say on the issue. The staff makes descions, not the players. Otherwise, it would be even worse.
    Kells18 likes this.
  2. New structures arent important enough for a reset. It was reset due to TECHNICAL issues, not people getting upset over silly things like walking out a little bit farther.
  3. Now, what is the techincal issue? I am pretty sure it was due to entire new blocks are being left out. And not to mention an entire dimension. And I think they WILL reset it for 1.3, if they add any new blocks. I hope they do. I wanna go into a desert village!
  4. You call more then 30,000 blocks a bit more?
  5. If they reset the wild, Im gonna be pissed. I just started a new wilderness town and it has several mob traps that work really well. I agree with people above, periodic reset area would probably solve this
  6. Theres still the unloaded parts of the map wayyy far out. In 1.3, if you go far enough out the new items/villages will spawn
  7. Well ya. But that takes forever.
  8. The issues had to do with the new height and biome glitches. Do you realize that new block spawn in unloaded chunks? What you is putting your little want of a desert village above all the wild colonies.
    This proves how much you dont know. About 7500 blocks from any outpost will get you to the black area. Wow. Just wow...
    oidgod likes this.
  9. Seems like I'm the only one who is not bothered by the looks of wildnerness next to protected area...

    EDIT: And one of the rare that enjoys exploring fresh bits of wild/nether :p
    Curundu and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. We've had this argument enough. Just let things happen. Then we will find out more. Continuing the argument is pointless at this juncture.

    A. Everything that can be said - has been.
    B. None of it matters till the patch comes out.
    ignoramoose likes this.
  11. all i can say is...

    please... PLEASE remember the differences.
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  12. I agree. Im sick of fighting this fight!:(
  13. Get over yourself.
    DogsRNice likes this.
  14. says the one who contacted a mod about me having your name in my signature LOL.
  15. See my previous comment.
    cnicholls_uk likes this.
  16. is that all you're going to fight me with lol. i feel REALLY intimidated.
  17. Also wen need the reset for the new temples
  18. Desert villages are just npc villages made of sandstone. They suck
  19. They will get greifed in two seconds. Just like npc villages
  20. So you want to destroy everyone's hard work for a measly temple?
    oidgod likes this.