smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. well, if you find and "satanic" buildings make screenshot and report them. don't just grief away.
    also it is debateable what is satanic in minecraft. we have the nether, kind of a hell setting. if someone puts up a pentagram there it might just be decoration. also the LLO has a nether shrine. does that mean we worship the devil? no! minecraft is a fantasy world and we should keep it that way.

    griefing a church building just because it looks "satanic" to you is not ok. if you think real satanists are spreading weird propaganda make screens and report. that would be a totally different thing then. same goes for fundamental christians or muslims or any other religion (and yeah, atheists too)
    Let's keep it MC fantasy.
    607, Jakres, Philovanrood and 4 others like this.
  2. um zulu whyd u reply to my message when i didnt grief the building i only just found out k
    Jakres likes this.
  3. and im wel....... kinda finding it hard to get to the llo? any tips besides the map u gave me
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Just because yours was the last post on the topic. I did not mean to imply you to did it :)
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Hmm. Use the smp7 live map. With the map and you being able to see yourself it should be easy.
    Or ask a member if they can pick you up on their next trip to town.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. Was supposed to go to bed since I have technically been awake 24 hours. But my sister got online so I'm having to talk to her.

    Exactly, I don't get why people want to post offensive junk like that in things that deal with games. If I ever add anything to my name it's [DOR] which stands for Dead On Re-Spawn because the hubs and I used to try to play MAG for PS3 and we had a bunch of team killing idiots that basically ended up killing us on re-spawn. It became a joke between us and I even use it on Steam in TF2 because of a map I played in for a while. Demo-men would spam grenades and blow me up just after re-spawn. We didn't put any of the crazy stuff others put in. As for the churches, there was one across from FizzyDaddle's house that Omu put a big L on and said was the Church of Last Light or something and someone tore the L and stuff off.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. I somewhat disagree about this. No churches, other than NPC ones, should be built in the server, as it causes arguments, like this one. Religion is EXTREMELY controversial and could ruin a game that was made to have fun.
    Therefore all reminders of religion(mainly churches) should be removed by a mod to keep the game fun.

    (I'm not going to state my religion but will say I'm not atheist)
  8. Yea i guess we shouldn't build one :( i wanted to build because not of the religion part, part the architecture stand point, owell i think something else to build :)
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  9. Yeah that's the downside :(
    Trust me I'd build one if I thought it was right/okay to do.
    Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  10. I think he was just trying to say that he took the "devil worship church" down when clearly "6. Thou Shalt Be Respectful And Tolerant Of Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, And Sexual Orientation Racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual harassment (including harassment of homosexuals), and hate speech, will not be tolerated." I guess that even includes "devil worship"? I dunno just know I liked our little LLO church we had across from Fizzy's and there wasn't anything really controversial about it. There were no crosses, no pentagrams etc. It's just a church looking building with an L and the L and sign were taken off.

    I just looked at it as one of the buildings in town since well towns have those. I lose count how many I pass every time I leave the house. Some of then are really nicely built.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Yeah I think a building with similar structure might be fine however... no sign or anything should point to it being a church, unless maybe its a joke of sorts, but even then I dunno.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. So, in 332 replies since I last checked in...
    What's up?
    Jakres and CambriaKilgannon like this.
  13. The blue sky, haha nothing much mostly current events. The major one is that going we have redstone lamp thief, new buildings are up and new members :)
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Could you check my place in the jungle? I get the feeling that it's been TNTed multiple times over.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. What? I check tomorrow or in few hours when I get back on. Why would someone TNT ur place
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  16. I agree, why would they TNT it, they wouldn't get anything from it.
    Jakres likes this.
  17. I don't get why we can't build church buildings. We have a graveyard too. And some buildings that look like and have signs reminding of Buddhism or some other eastern philosophy / religion. As long as nobody comes to my house asking me if I have time to talk about Jesus, I am fine.
    If in doubt we can declare all "religious" buildings in game are dedicated to Herobrine ;)
    Jakres, shavingfoam and Runewulf like this.
  18. Yes I agree. We live by the EMC rules and there's nothing banning churches. In fact tolerance of all religions is a rule as Panda pointed out.

    If other people's religions make you uncomfortable then use another route to get to where you need to go.
  19. If you don't see the intolerance in your post, you may be ethically blind, and with that, I cannot help you.
    I personally am VERY offended by all the racist and Nazi crap all over the place in EVERY game, too, but if I came across a giant wool swastika out in the wild, I'm going to leave it there, not set fire to it and walk away all proud of myself. Ignorant, moronic, hateful people should be allowed to leave their own marks, too. That way we know who the real jerk among us are and adjust accordingly. If you want to 'fight' it (if you must fight, I'm a pacifist myself), then make the biggest Christian church, or Buddhist temple, or Shinto shrine, or (my personal favorite) a beautiful, natural landscape with minimally invasive buildings and a big, open clearing in the middle of a huge forest, with one giant cedar in the center. I'm a really big fan of peace, if you can't tell already. ;D I'm just saying that if the sentiment expressed in your comment quoted above were to spill over into real life, you're basically saying that it would be OK to burn a 'satanic' church to the ground just because 'many peeps' don't want it in their community. A giant, cannon-laden juggernaut storming the town is one thing (that would probably be something we would want to tear down), but a church? When they bring an Ender Dragon back through a portal.....let me know. ;D
  20. i think the llo needs a fool prufe mob grinder
    Jakres likes this.