Donate glass for a huge project

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Liasen, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. I've already started the project
  2. WHat is this? umm the 10th this week? :eek:
    Joshposh70 likes this.
  3. Post some pictures then! :D People want to see progress of the project that they invested on.
    AlexHallon likes this.
  4. I would agree this doesn't count as begging. He asked once and he's 100% right, others have asked for similar things and some people here happily donated and gave praise but then put him down. Let's start acting like a caring community, guys. :)
  5. So when the seller's chest says "out of stock" what do you do?

    Plus, i spent over 50k in this and last month jsut to buy sandstone!
  6. Don't be like that dude =.=! ..........why.......don't....u.....gooooo.....and .......diggggg......sooome......more.....soooooo....youuuuu......willlll.....getttttt.....a....medalllll....thhhhat....saysssss.....TA-DA......
  7. The All Mighty Cow has Spoken! this is where it counts. How can we complain about the growth of EMC, if we are clashing and fighting with our fellow members- who are already HERE. Improve the experience for everyone, If you want to donate glass, power to you. If you don't want to donate glass, keep your trap shut for once. Just because there is a new thread that has popped up; doesn't mean you have to reply to it. This is categorized as a "community discussion"- it isn't even in the marketplace. That's all I have to say about that
    AlexHallon and IcecreamCow like this.
  8. OMG, I am jelly, you've got a like from ICC! :eek:
    AlexHallon likes this.
  9. Set up a chest for me at your res. I'll donate glass to you.
  10. Thank you:)
    I would but.... right now it's like nothing there, just some glass walls that reaches the clouds.
  11. 2012-07-05_10.34.09.png
    This is how far I've come with the glass cube:)
  12. Well, that's another rule that you are completely refusing to enforce then.

    If asking for things for free is not begging, then I have no idea what is.

    So you (ICC) are saying it OK to say "please donate glass", but it's not OK to say "please give me rupees"? Or both are OK? You won't do anything, in either case?

    The specific rule is absolutely clear - "Do not beg for items".

    If you refuse to enforce that rule, please remove it from the alleged rules.

    If rules aren't enforced, they're all meaningless.
  13. We aren't refusing to enforce anything. The mods can simply make a discression on what "asking" for something is compared to what "begging" is. I honestly don't think someone asking for something once is considered begging. Maybe people have less patience than I do, but I think asking for something once and getting jumped on for it is a bit much.

    I don't like that you put out there that we "refuse to enforce" any's a complete lie and distasteful to post.
  14. marknaaijer likes this.
  15. I'm sorry if you dislike my strong wording, but I do find this matter frustrating.

    The problem is, that if you say the above is OK, then other people - who are constantly asking us for free items - will say "well, I saw other people doing it" and even "the mods said it was OK".

    It makes me look like an idiot - because, if I say to someone that "asking for free items is not permitted, see the rules" then they can say "yeah, but ICC said it was fine" - and point to this discussion.

    See what I mean?
  16. Unfortunately it's not really a black and white thing and therefore can't be a simple, it's okay or not okay. As I said, what counts as asking and begging can be seen as different things by different people. I mean for example, you thought that this thread was considered begging and I didn't. However, to solve the 'problem' for one who would think it's begging, I'll refer to the same thing we always do for things like this. Simply ignore it. Sure, you can't "ignore" someone on the forums, but you didn't have to click/reply to the topic if you didn't like it.
  17. However.. I need more rupees, amyone got a job for me?
  18. Just like Virstis' hotel...
  19. What?