The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Norwegain miners need assistance and have found hidden nuclear bombs in the mines with a turkish logo on the sides
  2. mission complete over and out (step,...step... step. BOOM ....silence....silence.... (moaning) ... hello ...anyone th e r ee ... help .... ...... germans.........hacking....into system......noooooooo.....(silence)
  3. 5 bombs have been found and are ticking
  4. ...need to get computer systems back and ....defuse....
  5. ok now this is just getting stupid...
  6. I don't think you get the point of this thread..
  7. Bombs ar----------
    ERROR WWN SERVICES DOWN IN "Nowegian wwn networks" ERROR
  8. Holland sends in its whole rescue force to aid Norway.
  9. Iceland finishes research begins research on automated mining process.
    Iceland sends over two squadrons of F-57 Wings to assist in investigation.
  10. total norwegain losses:
    capitol city
    50,000 miners
    4 citys
    12 fishing outposts
    14 ships
    10,000 people
  11. Germany's top commandos have found a breach in security about 5,000 American troops have infiltrated the German army they will be executed as soon as possible.
  12. Holland is restored to its former glory, it begins to research a new type of water and land vehicle.
  13. turks found blamed by unknown country
  14. Canada fixes the error, now lets stop with all the WWN errors.
  15. Holland wishes to have private council with German high command.
  16. Norway's prime minister launches bomber's to investigate all countries
  17. Iceland evacuates cities to government fallout shelters. Iceland sends 2,000 troops to Norway.
    Iceland questions Germany's involvement.
  18. Holland wishes to hold the first summit to discuss world needs,
  19. Germany accepts and sends a ship to Holland to pick up Holland officials.
  20. Norway evacuates all citizens and later troops