The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. While working on secret research, Holland discovers it's own computer. Also, Holland wishes to ally Iceland.
  2. Norway accepts ally application
  3. Canada is still waiting for Hollands answer.

    Canada wishes to ally with Iceland.
  4. The ruins of turkey are now un-inhabbitable
  5. One of Iceland's small cities is hit by tidal wave.
    Requests International Aid.
  6. After a small while of deciding, Holland accepts Canadas offer.
  7. Norway sends mass-ships and food to Iceland
  8. Holland has invented the micowave by accident, Holland gifts one to Norway and Canada.
  9. Until someone else claims Turkey.

    Canada gives Holland permission to use the WWN.
  10. Iceland accepts both and finishes research on High Altitude Bomber (F-57 Wing).
    Ally requests are accepted. (Germany Included
    Iceland begins research on Underwater mapping programs and subs.
  11. Holland sends its first message, it reads "So, it cold over their?"
  12. Appriciated.
    Ships are sent home with 20 tons of Oil and ice.
  13. Swiss finish research. Turrets are now equipped with computers that tell them who is friendly
  14. Holland experiences and extended summer and now has doubled its food.
  15. While testing prototype subs Iceland discovers large Copper vein: adds new export: copper
  16. Norway wishes to buy 15 tons of copper for 1,000 reboot rupees
  17. Swiss are now researching sleep and its affects on thinking! *Hint Hint*
  18. Holland now wishes to know how the universe works better, they start to study cells and particuls.
  19. Canada begins on a new part of the CBNC. (Canadian broadband Network computer: This is what the Canadian computers are called)
  20. Iceland finishes Underwater Mapping program: IceWater is created.
    begins research on remote detonated explosive.