The 20th century REBOOT! (READ FIRST PAGE!!)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Norway finishes new ship for delivering goods
    save the picture to look at it, I drew it mehself with the help of windows paint :)
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  2. I might draw stuff I make to, good idea!
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  3. Canada wonders if Atlantis wants to ally.
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  4. Turkey gains knowledge of Atlantis, Turkey wonders what the great leader Manglex's favorite pastry is?

    Turkey begins research on the lost nation of Antarctica.
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  5. After America has told me they want a war, I faceplamed, and went on my way.

    Canada suggests Garlic toast for Turkey to give to Atlantis

    Canada's project is almost done with the Swiss.
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  6. Turkey gives Atlantis 2 loaves of Garlic Toast.

    Patented by their leader Kenooku the Great
    pat2011 and Manglex like this.
  7. Accepted.
    Hmm Idk.. I do like cake..
    Atlantis has finished research into agriculture, and is now one of Atlantis's main exports.
    Atlantis finishes clean it's environment.

    -Atlantis looks into becoming the world's Neutral Embassy.-

    *Side note, Everything I do will be edited in my "main post" check that often.*
    *Side note, I will be liking everyone's posts, simply for the fact that playing this game could give you.. 200 posts and 0 likes :D*
    pat2011, jkjkjk182 and kevdudeman like this.
  8. I shall theiverize that idea:D
    Manglex, pat2011 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. Meanwhile in America their are better hospistials, but the country is in rejoice after a aamzing man assinated the blood thirsty president.

    America aplogizes for the tensio nthey put on Canada and sends 500 tons of wheat and iron as a gift.
    America begins work on better roads.
    Manglex likes this.
  10. Swiss fortifies its borders and mountain region.
    Manglex likes this.
  11. The Canadian/Swiss project is done. We have made a heavy tank!

    *Fail drawing is fail, and yes, there have been tanks with two turrets, almost in that same manner.*

    It is called the CanaSwiss heavy tank. It has a main 30MM turret (bottom) and a secondary 15MM (Top)
    Manglex and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Norway studies morale boost

    Norway wishes to ally with canada
    Manglex likes this.
  13. epic win
    Manglex likes this.
  14. Canada allys with Norway.
    Manglex likes this.
  15. Norway is still waiting for swiss to accept allience which will gain the 50 ATR's....
    Manglex likes this.
  16. Swiss finish fortifying. Swiss research a momentum powered rotation device.
    Manglex likes this.
  17. Manglex likes this.
  18. Canada works on a improved version of the 1912 Fortress.
    Manglex likes this.
  19. America finishes worko n better roads and now has a nice highway all over the country.

    America begins work on better schools.
    Manglex likes this.
  20. Norway now has a flag
    Manglex likes this.