Several weeks ago this villager got in my way during trident tossing activities. I punished him by placing it on his chosen professions block. Is it time to forgive or does the punishment still stand ?
I need more information before I make a choice.. Were you making sure your course of fire was clear? Were you just firing at random? Had the area been clear and he walked into it?
I'd say the level of fear that villager received just from being at that height fullfills any punishment requirements.
Irrelevant, my plot, my house. This villager I rescued from the waste had the audacity to get in the way of my shot. I was tossing the trident into the air and he walked into the return of it. He decided to make his trades double and triple. That is why he's being punished. I could take him higher up. Agreed, maybe i need to bring his best friend up there too. Punishment by association.
Feels like you were being unsafe and he has been more than punished. I vote give him a second chance.
you should: download your res as a single player world create an AWS account create an MC server instance in the cloud with your saved world file win the lottery attach those lottery winning to a trust with a credit card paying for the AWS instance let the vilager live trapped for his punishment for hundreds of years.
How? How did you get a Waste villager up that high? Edit: now re-reading that plot is mentioned repeatedly. This is a wild villager that you egged. Aaaand that is how you got it up there. I see. New suggestion: reincarnation, egg them and make them a lesser preferred occupation and make them earn their job block back
Agreed, reincarnation until it grows up to be a Nitwit. We'll see if he smiles when he grows up a Nitwit. I got an alt looking watching and waiting until it becomes a Nitwit.