I have four more weeks of summer, what fun things should I do before the fall semester starts back up?
Avocados are underrated - they're incredibly nutritious, a great source of healthy fat, very high in potassium and other minerals and stuff, great for heart and gut health, and work well as a spread, a wrap filling, or as part of a pesto salad. But (at least where I live) people shun them as some kind of food for posh people, or use them as a tool to attack young people who can't afford a house - 'if you stopped buying avocados you'd be able to buy stocks and invest and buy a house!!!11!'. Bananas are overrated. They don't taste that good, eating sliced bananas makes me want to vomit because the texture is revolting, and I get more potassium out of avocados and the lettuce that is a staple part of my diet. C tier fruit. I dunno how things are in the US right now, but here in the UK life got (mostly) back to normal last week and I can't wait to get back in a cinema, see my family regularly again without being scared I'll kill my grandparents, hang out with my friends for the first time since March, maybe go to a fair or something idk, watch Reading and Leeds Festival for the first time since 2019. That's where my head is at with 'fun things' right now so you could pick something/do something similar off that list?