smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hi all, I have recently joined LLO and I am currently putting together an organization called The LLO Decorators, which is a small group of people who love to decorate, we will be needing a few more decorators. If you are interested in joining please visit my house by Spenser6's (his is in front of the big boat, just follow the cobble road and my house is at the end).
    Thanks :)
  2. Rob, I made you a cake factory. Look for a snow building off the white trail.

    On another note, if there is a wild reset, we need to make a monorail. It would look better. We should build the station first, and then build everything around it so its in the center!
  3. (I should build the station)

    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  4. Hi!
    I like the idea and would join such a crew. I guess if we find at least one more person we can call it a crew and I will put it on the website :)
    If I get it right it would be a team that helps decorating some of the larger builds for people who do not know how to or have not time or will to do so themselves. Right?
    ZeWildGuy likes this.
  5. Updated the gallery on the site with some more recent snapshots I took. Among other nice builds I finally visited the yeti village. Awesomesauce!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.

    It gets worse. The lava spreads. I just dies in it and lost all my stuff. Help!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  7. How bad is it any house in the damaged
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  8. The lava is gone now thanks to the help of lusaras who came after I died in it.
    The tracks have there have been damaged and I lost some pretty nice tools in my death while trying to contain it.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  9. Ya too bad you can't use them inside... So if we wanted to heat our MRE's up in the winter we'd have to go in the snow haha.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  10. Active Duty Marine Corps 1998-2006
    Army National Gaurd 2008-Present
    Working on adding a Fire Department to that list, going to college for my Fire Science Degree atm
  11. Wow. Did not now we had so many army people in the armed forces are LLO members.
    Maybe you can make some building together at the LLO. Something like a memorial or just some tribute.
    I would surely try to help on that with my limited rupees and mats :)

    PS: Sorry for the many edits. It got kinda late / early and I am really tired...
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  12. late and early?
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  13. Yeah. It is getting early morning and I am still up so I am really late for sleep.
    Or actually work. Will sleep after that I guess. :confused:
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  14. err.... I hope I didnt miss something, was this thread exclusively for LLO members? :eek:
    Oops!! Im not a LLO member.. but, hey, I support the heck out you guys and respect your sub-community in the fullest!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  15. Yea didn't miss much most of it is just current events in LLO. Zulu will post are website and Thank you for your respect you have my respect now :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Curundu like this.
  16. Cook? you go to Fort Lee VA for that?
    Ah, well, thank you kind sir, you are gentleman and a scholar!
  17. Nah. It is fine if you chat here. If it gets too much off topic stuff thouhg please open another thread.
    Also becoming an LLO member beasically is saying "hi" here. You did that. So welcome on board. If you want to make a home or something at the actual LLO site is up to you. If you chose so let us know, so we can put you on the member's list on the site and help you out :)
  18. Thanks for the invite/acceptance! I would be intrested in coming to join you guys, but I think Im going to wait on the final outcome of the reset debacle though, I have a rather decent sized little wild town of my own that was budding and just becoming pretty cool, but all building has since ceased on it with a possible reset looming in the horizon... none of my small group feel motivated to continue builing at our wild town if it will simply be erased soon.

    I've read your comments and I believe you said the LLO supports the reset, and I comend all of you to be willing to start from scratch. I however will be devastated by losing all that we've acomplished at my base and I dont think I could muster the desire to continue to build anything in the wild after another reset. FYI, although we have numerous grinders (including a 4x cave spider grinder) our concern is not for the preservation of our grinders, but more for our little town.

    Sorry, I hope its ok that I deviated a little from the topic, just wanted to say thanks for the invite and explain why I might not be in the wild much soon.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  19. Ok. It seems that another griever has made it into this community. :eek: If anyone sees anything forget the /report at that moment and take a screen shot. You can then /report them and pm a mod with the pictures, I hope this helped.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  20. Just to clarify it seems some members of the LLO are pro reset.
    I am strongly against it unless it is technically needed by the admins to keep the EMC running.
    We already have some members however that would start a new LLO if (or better when) there will be a reset.

    In a vote for the 1.3 reset I will campaign against it. I will not speak for the LLO but use message boards and my builds on the LLO for the campaign. Others can do so too. We can have have civil discourse and vote.

    I still think the admins should not reset anything unless technically needed and in that case we won't need a vote ;)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres, ZBSDKryten and 2 others like this.