{closed} 1 stack of SHULKER SHELLS

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MinaLovesRugby, May 28, 2020.

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  1. Item : 64 shulker shells
    Minimum Bid : 20k
    Minimum Bid Increase : 1k
    Auction End : 48 hours after last valid bid
    Pickup : /v minatkd-1 on SMP2
  2. Uh, How does this work?
  3. Hi Pastel

    Maybe this will help, please dont reply unless your making a bid....

    Its an auction, so you bid on the item in this case the first minimum bid is 20'000r or 20k then if someone else makes a bid for this auction the new minimum must be 21K.

    We normally done chat in this forum unless your making a bid such as my bid below. Your not allowed to bid on an item unless you have he rupees to pay for it.

    My bid for the shells is 50k
    MinaTKD likes this.
  4. Whoops, didnt see that
  5. Just saw this now thank you for explaining!
    Silken_thread likes this.
  6. Congrats RandomZH you have won! AUCTION IS NOW CLOSED!
  7. payd and received :) thx
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