I would prefer to see a competition of some kind for the supporter memberships. Even if its something simple, it would be rewarding that everyone voting 30 times (every day per month) and getting thrown in a lottery.
Anything. Redstone circuits, wool art, buildings, etc. Something that takes a week to do, and a week of judging max. Either that, or hide a sign in the wild, first person to post a screenshot of it wins.
It wasnt snarky, i was informing you that a lottery is the most fair way to defeat a tie. Besides, other contests can be unfair. If there was a contest to make the most simple house, and a new member and Justin send in almost the exactly same thing, but the new persons is slightly simpler, who will win? The answer is obvious, Justin will. Or even if a well known member replaced Justin, people would unconsciencly vote for someone they know more about. When the details become minor, like the final round of voting, it basically turns into a student council vote, a popularity contest. The only way things could be fair is if everyone had no idea about who they were voting for, but that will never happen. Basically what im saying is, opinions and biases make things completely unfair.
Why not send someone a list of the builds in photo form, then have them randomize them, and send them to another. The second individual could be the judge / post it to be judged (IE double blind). Alternatively, as I've said for my possible competition, just have one person judge it that's giving the prize away (IE justin) instead of a vote.
1. People could use clues in the picture to pick the res and owner, or even the owner could secretly tell people to spread the word 2. Just imagine this. ICC is judging. Its a wool contest. There are all these amazing creations, abd then there is a tnt block. Whose going to win then? What im saying is that then you come into contact with personal preferences
Well yeah, but if there's a clue in the picture, then they are DQ'ed (disqualified). And the person judging will have their own views, that's obvious. Everyone has their own views, hence the reason why there's a judging, and not a consensus on who's is best. No one will know who is judging it (ideally), so that's the risk they will have to take. So far the only way I've seen to take out voters swinging towards popularity is to have one person judge it, or a small group. That's how I'll eventually get rid of my dragon egg, because you're right, there's going to be a popularity contest in votes, and you're also right that there's going to be personal preferences per individual. The fact is, it's the person giving it away (in my example me or ICC / Justin in this case) that is losing something, and thus should be the one making the call.
I agree with what you said, but by clues i meant unintentional clues such as something in the background or a neighbors res
Sorry buddy if its going to a promo I got this in the bag (Cough Epic GFX/Editing Skills Cough) 3D text, music enhance etc. But still I might try a music video, as long as no types of music are banned. Idea: Same as Equinox's idea: Who ever votes the most (but then there would be a tie probably)
I have a slightly different idea and just want to put it out there. A gifted supportership. The idea is that diamond (probably only makes sense for those) supporters can gift silver supporter status to other members. This means the gifted member will get a daily bonus share and access to the supporter chat. This way diamond supporters could help members who do stuff they like.
Oh yeah. I meant iron. Sry. I was an iron supporter and may become one again when I have less expenses in RL again As for competition ideas I always thought about some time-based competitions. Like make a spot in the wild and a task like "make a lighthouse" or something. Then have people register and meet and make them all start building at the same time. After a given time everyone has to stop and the best build wins. So it will be like "Who can make the best X build in Y time" competition.