[AUCTION] Dancer 2014 Holiday Horse

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by belac555, Dec 17, 2019.

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  1. Item: One 2014 Holiday Horse Named Dancer
    Stats:110 Speed,30 HP,110 Jump
    Starting Bid 1000r
    Minimum Bid increase 1000r
    Auction ends on December 22nd at 4pm EMC time

    Lets get big money here as 100% of the profits from this auction go towards my secret santa event!

    luckycordel likes this.
  2. 1,000r
    Need to get this guy back to Santa quick!
  3. 9k HAs the egg been spawned? Shiny or not shiny??
  4. 50k since it's for a good cause.
  5. Sorry for late reply

    It is unused still shiny
  6. If you would like to make sure as I am not 100% sure go to /v belac555 on smp3 and find the promo chest outside it will be in there
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