[ 2019 ] ART COMMISSIONS [ closed ]

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Bosoc, Nov 25, 2017.


Have you been a commissioner on my old thread?

Heck ya man! 16 vote(s) 26.2%
na mate, been busy gettin rich 45 vote(s) 73.8%
  1. S H O O K
    Just like Otus XD
  2. Active then inactive... :p
  3. People have their phases, surely Bosoc will be back. For how long? Who knows...
  4. Oh sorry, I sounded rude; I meant that I like it when this thread is active. Not just Bosoc posting her art, but an active thread if that makes sense :)
    Bosoc and jaqque like this.
  5. mini-apology, snow keeps going on and off over here, i didn't even know snow could, but its been causing the power to go out (than on right after) stopping my progress, i did save every few mins after the first time, but i had to stop process to go to my fathers for the weekend >: ( anyways now that im back i can get back to work, will be a lil slower due to the power thing, but ill still get through lol
  6. lol ikr, im the worst at time management
  7. That sucks, all we have over here is rain and a little snow here and there. Hopefully it clears up soon! :)
    Edit: for your well-being not your art XD
    Edit 2: but also for you art XD
  9. I had thunder and lighting storm yesterday :p
  10. That sounds like... fun? :p
  11. It was beautiful and my dog keept barking at the thunder :p
    Foxy_Kitty and 607 like this.
  12. "How dare you enter this household, thunder! BEGONE!!"
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
    srry for the hold up, was asked to make a picture with lots of users from someone, i dont wanna spoil what they wanted it for since they will do it themselfs soon, but needless to say it took awhile to complete lol
    new front page image btw~!

  15. zip zorp
    4thOfJurhy, 607, Kaddrii and 4 others like this.
  16. Awesome! :)
    Bosoc and ArkonXT like this.
  17. the realest photo ever drawn

    607, Foxy_Kitty and Bosoc like this.
  18. Those are some cute toes
    Palmsugar, 607, Foxy_Kitty and 2 others like this.

  19. this week on buzzfeed unsolved