Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Be6Ja1min, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. Congrats to ya'll!:D
    Top_Benny and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  2. I'm sorry, marriage mushrooms are not officially recognized as valid forms of engagement. In order to have your marriage legally validated, please use a marriage fish.
  3. No rules?
    Well if we can't get married its now your fault Rhy ;-;
    607 and Rhycicles like this.
  4. A tradition as old as time. To throw a fish renamed "You are my wife now" is to be legally wed (at least on smp8). Though in time the tradition has shifted to just a regular R A W F I S H exchange , celebrated in one of Smp8's cathedrals and officiated by me, usually.
  5. My wedding was good too. 2 people showed up!
  6. That's great. :D
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  7. Hmmmm waiting for my invitation :p
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  8. I see that edit there >o<
  9. I wonder if I'm invited, I even have a comic planned out for it
    Top_Benny and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  10. Congrats!!!!! Hope i am Invited!
    607, Top_Benny and Mochoa_Frap like this.
  11. We are thinking everyone we know is invited
    Mochoa_Frap and 607 like this.
  12. maybe even a mansion...
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  13. Hehe :D
  14. How about a resort?
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  15. So much work but it would be so fuuuun ;-;
    Edit: but if anyone wants to build a resort for us then u do u XD
  16. It could be a woodland resort with a bunch of cottages
  17. More work for me, listen People the mansion is gonna be buitiful , no dought about that.
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  18. If u make a mansion u also gotta have a pool to take a nice refreshing swim. And that means u need a pool house to keep the pool stuff. U also need a lawn, a BIIIIG lawn
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  19. I literally cannot wait!!!! :D
    Mochoa_Frap and Top_Benny like this.
  20. You can’t :D
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.