Hi I made a puzzle I want y'all to solve it Because I'm impatient and money is a good motivator, first one to solve it gets 25k The puzzle's title is "Refraction" (this may or may not be a hint) Have at it (Also, once you guys have solved it, feedback would be greatly appreciated <3) Hints will be given out if needed
I can give it a shot later, tried running it through a QR scanner a couple different ways to no avail.
It’s make a face, all the black points make a little smile or if you take colours and what ever I don’t really know
I tried a bunch of different things....no luck - even tried putting a glass of water up to the screen, felt like an idiot lmao
To post what I've tried: I tried scanning it normally, converting the image into grayscale and scanning, and then inverting colors and scanning that. None worked
Hint time. You do eventually scan the code, but you do something to the code first. The title is important.