Locking of chests in Wilderness

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Good idea. My thought on it are...

    It cost 2000 to lock a chest (double chest), with no limit. Then, if u unlock or remove the chest, u get 1500 back. Also, would be nnice to make the live map read the user ID logged in to the website and show those chests for that player on the map.

    And without a dought in my mindi feel as if you must be a supporter for this feature. Chests being locked and showing on maps are a drain of resources and should be paid for with donations.
  2. Very nice suggestions so far everyone! i love this community :)

    Just one thing. As far as limiting how many chests you can lock this will be difficult, and I will try my best to explain why:

    It would require the system keeps track of every locked chest, and this is just one more thing eating away game resources. The way I planned on building this was using signs. With a sign the server doesn't have to store and keep track of every locked chest. Instead it checks for an attached sign when someone tries to open the chest to see if they have access. This is how the access signs for residences work. It makes the system very lightweight.

    Hope that all makes sense :)
  3. I have to agree with you Justin,

    The server needs as much resources as it can get for the core functions. Using signs is a brilliant way of saving resources.

    I am excited about this, who else is? :)
    nnnnmc1 and JustinGuy like this.
  4. i really like this idea a lot.

    my thoughts on it:

    1) instead of a one time buy, how about leasing the locks for a period of time, that way if they never come back or if you wish for it to just go away, it will in time. possibly with a limit of locks per area??

    3) what is nice about the locks, is that for people who do not own a residence would still have somewhere secure to put things away.... as well as being able to mine in other servers for extended periods of time.
  5. Yeah i guess your right for the price your good persuasive writer >.>. But unlimited for diamond? Look at Justin's first post, the diamond supporters could make a house out of private chests.... That would be weird looking and sort of annoying though i doubt any supporters would backstab Empire by making a huge wall
  6. Could u make the signs charge the user a cert amount and refund a cert amount when destroyed?

    Im just thinkin that a sign that cost 2-3k to put down with thw option to get all but 100-500 back would be an easy way to limit who and how many.

    With my limited knowledge on databases, i can only assume that using signs rather then tracking all of them would mean no g on the live map :(
  7. limiting this to only supporters would be great for added perks of joining the empire, and maybe atleast 1 allowable chest per active user.

    what if...

    for each chest created, have the system take note of the owner, location, and time(still think a lease would ease some issues of tracking).

    since every player is apart of a database of some sort, you could create unique random ID's for each created sign(though name,location,and time would be just as unique) which can be linked to other databases, like the forum. (overthinking here I think)

    from here we can then set a job to check at intervals,though this can be two stage, initial stage pulls a temp log of the chest based on time log of entry to be terminated within the 24hrs. by starting the job with that you can hope to modulate a big chuck of searching since only the ones for the day will be addressed with deletion.

    beyond this point I really can't think of what else to go off of since I'm not familiar with how exactly the system in handling the signs mod... is it applicable on all maps even if currently only usable in town?? if so then i would assume that for every time a chest is opened, it checks for permission.... what if you could patch the signs mod to allow it to see if the person is located outside of town, and if they are it will check the logs for that location and if the owner and player are the same????

    and then for limiting the amount of locked chest, it could be a check at the creation of the sign.
    for player in `$DBchestcheck`; do ((i=$i+1)); done
    if $i -lt $MAX ...
  8. I very much like this idea, and hope to see it soon! (Soon, as in when I log in tonight!)
    I would say just keep it simple - very high prices (1000+R) and maybe a limit of 1 or 2. This could be abused too easily if not checked very tightly. Still, the benefit would be really amazing!
    I could also see very sad grieving with relation to these chests though... if someone found a locked chest they would assume it was full of valuable stuffs that they couldn't have. If that person was a mean-spirited griever, they might wall that box in with three or more layers of obsidian just to be cruel. Chances are that your locked chest actually DOES contain a lot of valuable stuff, meaning you would have to take a lot of time to get back into your chest and get it out. :(
    And if people could purchase unlimited locked chests, they could also wall your chest off with their own, making access impossible. :oops:
    Restrictions will be very important - but still, I am one who spends a lot of time in the wild working on my labyrinth of... well... farms... ;) and would love to know that there is a way to secure all my items in the wild without having to keep them on my character every time I log out.
    BloodDisciple likes this.
  9. Solution-Hide the freaking chest somewhere and write down the freaking coordinates. Problem Solved.
  10. considering it is in the wild it shouldn't be a high price less then 200r and higher then 50r but it is up to you Justin :D
  11. On the contrary, being in the wild should make it a higher price. Low enough to allow most players to place one or two secure chests, but high enough to deter people from spamming the wilderness with them. 500r sounds reasonable to me.
    NurglesRott likes this.
  12. I personally think 1000-1500 rupees each chest would be a good price, that prevents there from being too many of them around unless a bunch of diamond supporters group them together, meaning that a locked chest becomes even more valuable simply because no one else can get said chest's contents. If you were to have a chest full of diamonds, then that chest would easilly be worth the 1000-1500 rupees.
    nnnnmc1, GRANTSWIM4 and NurglesRott like this.
  13. I think this is a great idea, it would make living in the wilderness much better because you know your emergency stash will be there in an emergency.
  14. WHAT 2000R? Easy for you to say! Most of us here don't have that kind of money to spare on a chest!
  15. If it was protected with a sign though, couldn't somebody just destroy the sign and then open the chest?
  16. The plugin is what would protect it from being destroyed.
  17. The point of a high price is so we don't have 3248729742394237 spare chests around the world. You'd have to really care about what you were putting in it. Not saying the final choice is or would be 2000, but a semi-pricy option would be best.
    NurglesRott likes this.
  18. Agree - and everyone would be able to afford one if they really wanted it... just save up your allowance. Even free players get 100 a day, so it would only take them 20 days to save up enough for a chest. That's not including income from selling at shops and contracting out for work... hmmm, maybe they should be more like 3000. ;)
    BloodDisciple likes this.
  19. If they took advantage of rupee earning system, they could double daily allowance. All they have to do is logon to the empire website, go to the rupees tab across the top page and vote at the two server list websites, and they get 50r each vote, thats an extrea 100 daily by doing this., they then could afford a personal lockable cheat in ten days. (not including monies earned through shops and sales.)
    MR2R2M and NurglesRott like this.
  20. I was just thinking that to shaun :p