[Giveaway] 4 years!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _REMOVED_87055, Nov 6, 2018.

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  1. It's my 4 year anniversary in 6? days so why not do another giveaway right?
    It's also ChumMiner's on the same day so happy 4 years to you too :)

    I'll skip right to the bit that you most want though:

    1x Ore Buster
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Beacon
    1x Holiday Axe
    1x Magical Excellent Wand
    1x Magical Excellent Wand
    1x Feast For a King
    1x Santa's Magical Bag
    1x Santa's Magical Bag
    4x Vault Vouchers
    1x white Easter Bunny
    1x white Easter Bunny
    1x Lucky Rabbit Foot
    1x Blizz Ard Eye
    1x Avalauncher
    1x brown Easter Bunny (is this the one that will disappear?? if so I'll remove it)
    1x brown Easter Bunny
    1x Remembrance Poppy
    1x Iron Supporter Voucher
    1x Cupids Bow
    1x Blizz Ard Arm
    1x Omneoss
    1x Haunted Head
    1x Haunted Head
    1x Haunted Head
    1x Stable Voucher
    1x Empire Firework
    1x Dragon Stone
    1x Shulker Box
    Tons of haunted candy
    1x Headless Horseman Mask
    1x Headless Horseman Mask
    1x Headless Horseman Mask
    2x Golden Apple
    1x Ench Diamond Pickaxe
    9x Diamond Block
    59x Diamonds
    41x Emerald
    7x Gold ingots
    31x Sponges
    2x Valentine
    1x Vixen
    1x 500k pickaxe
    4x Gold blocks
    1x Reaper
    1x Reaper
    Lot's of iron blocks

    How to enter:
    Just reply, be creative if you wish and I might give out some bonus prizes if you impress me :p.
    Your reply number will be the number used in the drawing, so you don't need to pick a number.
    The prizes will be drawn via random.org

    If you don't win a prize then you will receive 10k.

    Additional info:
    No alts please, let's make it fair for everyone.
    Duplicate comments will not be counted
    Giveaway ends a week after this post was created.
    Prizes will be put in chests at /v 11463. If you cannot collect your prize from that res then please PM me and I can mail it to you.
    Enjoy the stuff you win!
    SkeleTin007 and MoreMoople like this.
  2. What determines which prize you get?
  3. Your reply number will be the number, so your number 1 :p

    Imma ask u anything as if this was an ama soooo

    Whats your least favourite boss? :p
    fBuilderS likes this.
  4. Your number will be matched up with a prize (which is the order of the list)
    For example:

    Would mean that Aikar would win the ore buster and the rest would get beacons
  5. Wither, it doesn't show mercy to great architecture and destroys everything
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  6. If you ever do something wrong, is it considered an acsquident? Would ten-tickles make a squid laugh? ;)

    Gratz on 4 years! :D
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  7. Congrats! Isn't it crazy how quick time goes? 4 years goes fast!
  8. So if you draw a 1 then aikar get an ore buster
  9. Wow, thats great! i see a lot of promos on that list! i guess this counts right?
    fBuilderS likes this.
  10. Cool congrats on 4 years
  11. Happy four years my friend :)

    I hope to see you for another 4 more ;)
  12. Wow 4 years,
    uh lemme think of a joke,
    I was thinking of getting a brain transplant,
    but then I changed my mind.
    Foxy_Kitty and fBuilderS like this.
  13. Congratulations :) I wish you many more years of fun here on EMC! ^O^
  14. Enter corny joke here:

    How does a squid go into battle?
    Well armed

    I'm so sorry it's the best I could think of xP
    I'll say it now because I didn't say it before but, congrats on 4 years buddy! :D
    MoreMoople likes this.
  15. I'll throw my hat into the ring. :p
  16. Happy 4 years!

  17. Congrats on 4 years fBuilderS!
  18. Congrats on 4 years.

    So what has been your greatest accomplishment (other than being here for 4 years) since you have been with EMC?
  19. Congratz! :rolleyes: I know the feeling of hitting 4 years old on here.... hard to believe its been that long!
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