I don't have enough rupees quite yet but I would like to know if anyone is selling or could sell one.
Lol I forgot to say we can talk price in PM, but yeah just PM me with price. Also it didn't seem like people who had them wanted to sell them so was also checking if anyone would
In The_Mancub's thread on promo pricing they're listed at 1.2 mil. I know its not always the most accurate but its pretty good on most of them, so I was thinking around there.
Maybe your looking at a older post on his thread. They are listed at 1.8 mil Note: I also sold mine recently for 1.8mil
its insane how you can spend 1.8 mil on an item when there are only 7 million people in the world? thats like 1.3 dollars per 1.8 million people!