I'm sorry for stumbling upon your mistakes made when you write after mid-night, but I think you may have omitted a whole part of the sentence here.
Nooope, this is the intended sentence and its gramatically accurate since I'm referring to how the song sounds
Please explain it to me, then, I'm wondering about those fans. "While many fans who liked the rock they produced from 2002 - 2013" What's with those fans? The 'while' indicates that a verb's coming, right? 'liked' and 'produced' are verbs, but they go together with 'fans', as "fans who liked the rock they produced from 2002 - 2013" turns into one subject.
You just made me realise I forgot to say they didn't like the new direction the album took. I redact this statement. I made a midnight mistake again
Royal Blood - Ten Tonne Skeleton Release Date: October 9th, 2014 Explicit lyrics: No It's just Royal Blood, innit?
Twenty One Pilots - Jumpsuit Release Date: July 13th, 2018 Genre: Post-Hardcore/Progressive Rock? Explicit lyrics: No I'm a sucker for heavy and distorted bass guitar, and while it took a few listens for me to like this song, it's reeled me into the anticipation of the band's fifth album. I'm also interested in it because it relies on the music video to tell its story: it takes place in the city of Duma, a fictional walled-off city, that is overseen by bishops who can't see the colour yellow. Clancy, the main character, wears a yellow jumpsuit as he makes an escape attempt. It's also accompanied by a website. A lot of the lyrics are about the pressures of the music industry and the success the band found with their fourth album, Blurryface.
Don Broco - Pretty Release Date: May 5th, 2017 Genre: Funk Rock/with Post-Hardcore influence Explicit lyrics: No, video has a lot of violent ketchup though. I... just like how it sounds. Beyond that, it's a song about being attracted to someone despite their personality being extremely undesirable and still trying to pursue them. The music video is just a damn masterpiece. While we're here, here's a bonus song by the same band. Don Broco - Got To Be You Release Date: February 2nd, 2018 Genre: Rock Explicit lyrics: No I also like how this sounds, but I'm putting it here because of personal meaning. I didn't even realise what the lyrics were saying besides the 'got to be you' chorus, but I listened to it after having the worst argument I've ever had with the girl I love (we don't have a label lol hope u don't mind me saying something that cringey) back in April. I went to sleep and woke up from a nightmare where she pushed me away, and I put this song on repeat, and it was this point that I truly realised I'd do anything for her - guess what the lyrics say? The conclusion is that I listened to it the entire seven days I spent away from her after the argument, when I texted her, the argument while I was trying to resolve the conflict, and we came back from that much stronger. I really would do anything for her. So yeah, personal meaning. Amazing.
The Hunna - Mother Release Date: July 12th, 2018 Genre: Rock Explicit lyrics: No I think the song is rather well written. I like how it sounds. It hits quite hard - my mother hasn't died, but someone who has played a big role in my childhood and has been a part of thirteen out of eighteen years of my life died the same day this song was released. She was one of my dad's coworkers and one of his closest friends. She played the same role she did in my life to all three of my siblings and probably a larger role in my seven year old brother's life than mine. She had a daughter, who I haven't interacted with much since I was 15 years old but was always nice to me and helped me settle into high school when I was 11, who didn't get to say goodbye because it happened in the early morning and it was sudden and unexpected - and I guess this this is why the song kinda gets to me? I don't know. I'm rambling. Enjoy.
The 1975 - Settle Down Release Date: September 2nd, 2013 Genre: Pop Rock Explicit lyrics: No On a happier note: a song about Northern England (where I live, probably why I'm so drawn to the song) and romanticised love. My dad also likes it despite saying The 1975 are a band for my mum and not him because their music taste is 'completely different' (it's not). I like the live version better. Sue me. The music video is based off one of the lead singer's recurring dreams about a same-sex relationship where the parents aren't accepting, and it's also in a poverty-stricken area of North England (so basically the entire thing smh), so I'll leave it here anyway.
The Killers - Mr. Brightside Release Date: September 29th, 2003 Genre: Alternative Rock Explicit lyrics: No I wouldn't be British if I didn't like it.
The 1975 - Love It If We Made It Release Date: July 19th, 2018 Genre: Synth Rock Explicit lyrics: Yes Lyrics are great. I love the aggression in the way they're spoken. Also, breakdown time. "Selling melanin and then suffocate the black men," Melanin is the chemical that gives skin its colour, so selling it would be the slave trade. 'Suffocating the black men' refers to ongoing racism. "Access all the applications that are hardening positions based on miscommunication," Social media plays a massive, massive part in the rise of extremism all over the world. The miscommunication part refers to news articles shortening titles to get clicks, at the cost of misleading people, and the abysmal state of journalism in the modern day. "Truth is only hearsay!" Fake news. "Modernity has failed us" Technology claims to bring us together, but so far it has also contributed to inciting hatred. "And poison me daddy," Refers to celebrity worship, drug use, and the poisoning of the Skripals in the UK and subsequent murder of a British civilian by Russia. "Write it on a piece of stone/a beach of drowning 3 year olds" The piece of stone is a headstone. The beach of drowning three year olds refers Alan Kurdi, a three year old Syrian refugee whose body washed up on a Turkish beach in 2015 while his family attempted to take him to the Greek island of Kos. "Rest in peace Lil Peep," Lil Peep is a rapper who died of drug use in November 2016, as a result of him turning to it after a long struggle with depression. It's a nice shoutout, I guess, but is also about the drug use as an escape from depression and other mental illnesses that plagues society and culture. "Poetry is in the streets," In May 1968 in France, 11 million workers occupied factories and went on strike and students occupied universities in a protest against American imperialism and capitalism, temporarily collapsing the entire economy of France, destroying the nation's government for a few hours, and forcing the President (Charles De Gaulle) to flee to West Germany after he ordered the police to fight the people and were defeated in what were genuine street battles. The French government feared that civil war or revolution would break out. Graffiti and posters were plastered all over the streets, with a favourite being "la poésie est dans la rue", which translates to 'poetry is in the streets'. "Jesus save us!" Intentionally contradicting. The band and society are atheists, and people won't turn to religion when looking for hope anymore. "Tell me something I didn't know," Faintly echoed at the end of the second to last chorus. It means that the signs of all this BS were there, we knew it would happen, and we just sat by and let it get to this point. "Immigration liberal kitsch/kneeling on a pitch" A criticism of the right-wing response to immigration and another about the NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. "I moved on her like a []/Excited to be indicted" Quoting Donald Trump in that video, as well as a dig at the shamelessness of the Trump administration's open shadiness. "The war has been incited and guess what, you're all invited" Politicians declare war and invite normal people to be their cannon fodder. And finally, the chorus... "I'd love it if we made it" Double meaning. They'd love it if we made it through this, but would also have loved it if this was intended and tried to make it all happen. The beat is basically a mix of all the best parts of some of their previous songs, 'Robbers' (from their first album), 'Heart Out' (also from their first album), 'The Ballad of Me and My Brain' (from their second album), and 'Loving Someone' (also from their second album). Also sounds like the Blue Nile's Downtown Lights, which, screw it, will be my song for tomorrow. My favourite song by them and also my favourite of 2018 (so far). And it's only been out for three hours.
Prince- Nothing Compares 2 U Release Date: April 19th, 2018 (technically the summer of 1984) Genre: Soul/RnB/Pop I guess? Explicit lyrics: No Nothing Compares 2 U was originally written by Prince for his funk band The Family, but remained unreleased as a single until the Irish singer Sinead O'Connor released her own version of it and transformed it into a power ballad. Apparently Prince summoned her to his house for saying bad words in interviews and punched her after she made a remark at the ridiculousness of his complaint. Anyway, I love the slow-moving Prince version of it. The Blue Nile - Downtown Lights Release Date: September 18th, 1989 Genre: Sophisti-Pop (basically British artists merging jazz, soul and pop together) Explicit lyrics: No A song about urban cityscapes and how lonely they are. From the band's magnum opus Hats, which was delayed once after half the album was scrapped and remade, which has a theme of mourning running throughout it. Vastly underrated song, album and artist.