Does someone have a private guardian farm I can use? I know there is a lot of public ones but I want one where it funnels into a chest. Please PM me with details if you have one and would let me come.
I realize that this isn't specifically what you're asking for but I still wanted to mention this one because, well... this collection of farms is pretty much the de-facto standard for EMC: SMP8's PWU (Public Wild Utilities), see also this link: (don't worry: this link takes you to a thread on this forum, it's simply easier to remember for me this way). Their guardian farm ("Sushi drop") isn't a place where stuff simply goes into a chest (I think, stuff can change) but even so it's a pretty massive farm. Even if you afk somewhere on the main floor you're bound to get plenty of goodies. And the best part is that this isn't just one farm, its a whole collection. Pigmentus (gold), bone farms, blaze farms, ... you name it and they got it. So... although it's not exactly what you asked for I still think it might be able to help you. You can find this by using: /smp8 (obviously), then: /wild n. Follow the path and you'll reach the main entrance from where you can either take a train (minecart) or a horse track to all the different farms. Hope this can still help!
I understand there is a highly sophisticated guardian farm on SMP3. You can ask Bryanm61 or EyeCyeBall when they're on, as they are the developers of it. As per rules and regulations, since it isn't mine, I can't disclose its location.
I'm referring to Whatsthefoxsay1's farm (Ryan_A might be his current name idk) He posted a thread about it somewhere I'll see if I can manage to find it
You know what.. There is someone wanting help in making a Guardian Farm. It's probably possible that they might make it so there could be a collection chest.. Here is the link, I know they could use your