Song of the day (this one is very relaxing and emotionally uplifting for me): Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield. EDIT: I may repeat a song if I feel like it, but not in the same calendar month, and I don't have to if I don't feel like it.
I cannot guarantee anything if a mistake happens, but I will of course try to listen to the lyrics to be sure that no swear words are said, except the very few extremely mild ones that sometimes occur in PG Disney movies and on the radio.
Song of the day (this one is very motivating and emotionally uplifting for me): Best Day Of My Life by American Authors. It's just awesome!!!!
I'm sometimes tempted to sing to songs that I really like, including both of the ones I've already mentioned.
Song of the day (I use this to try to hopefully eventually get over a guy that I "like", but who hurt me last Summer): New Rules by Dua Lipa.
OMG! What kind of procrastinator am I?! Anyways, song of the day: California by James Blunt. Speaking of California, it's a place I'd want to move and would consider paradise, if only it wasn't threatened by frequent/devastating earthquakes, landslides, and wildfires... (which is why I plan to move to neighboring Arizona instead)
I was actually wondering how long it would take you to see this thread, and what you would think of it when you did see it.
Here is what I really think As long as we represent both sides of the spectrum of music, then I'm okay with this. And I'm happy that my word has gotten out to people and making it their own. Just one thing, at least say it was inspired?
I actually take that as a positive reaction. Plus we seem to tend to be into different types of music than each other, and maybe we'll inspire even more people to do this (let's just hope they don't impersonate us as a whole).
Sorry for the delay. Song of the day: Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne.