smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. This is a freaking game not a classroom. There have been things built that I felt strongly against and they were built anyway. When things were posted and I blew up I apologized to the person in case I hurt their feelings etc.
  2. Ok. Ok. But seriously I have VERY strong opinions and what did I ever do against you?
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Hmmm I'm done with English course for rest my life soo no more 1k or 2k essay for me:p
  4. I just had to do a 500 work speech and I failed! 500 words was too short for me. I like 700-800 word essays. To write. For people to convince me otherwise of my opinions i require 1000+.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. I wasn't trying to sound rude in that one, I guess it could be taken rudely :S I don't mean this one rudely either.

    Let me explain what Rune means here:
    1. Given what...two days after being here you started this whole "highway to the outpost".
    2. Shortly thereafter it became. "redo the roads they look horrific!"
    3. Then suddenly we had "my plan is to demolish a ton of stuff when I'm on next to make room for more stuff!"

    You're so eager to jump on things without consulting people.

    You: Today I'm getting on and I'm going to demolish half the town to do this.
    Everyone: What.the.fudge?

    When it should be:
    You: I propose we do this. What do you guys think?
    Everyone: Yes do it./No I don't like it here, maybe here.

    Rune if that's not what you meant then mybad >.>
  6. Lol well that's good you can explain it to its fullest but once talking college course the teacher will give limited to the essay, Im going to use your essay a example "don't get offended :)" but most professors would have giving you D or mostly liking a F cause didn't follow the steps. -side note- I had to write 2k essay about was iago a true villain or was forced into from the play othello by shakespeare .
    Sorry to get off topic :p
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. To be fair, he did consult with us. We had a vote about the highway project, and he did try to canvass the group with regard to the road project.

    That mba2012 is eager to work on projects, undeniable. And not a bad thing. :cool:

    Making changes to existing buildings will require getting input from those who built them in the first place.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. I didn't realise that's what I was saying until you said it! You can write my next 500 word speech :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. As far as I know Bob built the town hall. Does having an idea for a building give ownership as well? Cos you know I had the idea for the theatre .... ;)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. and its a great theatre lol
  11. Bob built the wooden town hall building under my guidance. His design I just decided where to put it and to do it in the first place. It was the animal greifing which started us off.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. Someone is trying to be funny. And succeeding. :D
  13. I'm not trying to be offensive with this post, I'm stating my feelings on matters and whatnot.

    -_- sorry. I guess "But just to state again I have very strong opinions and will stick to them until someone gives me an essay with 1000+ words station why they should use the town hall building as a rail station." was taken to sound a bit rudely. >.>

    Yes he did have us vote on that highway thing but I can't remember voting on any of the other stuff. Then again we're at 75 pages so I have no clue what has been voted on and what has not.

    Eagerness is great and not bad. I agree.

    • I wish more people would have a vote on things. So many changes lately and it's like "Where the heck have I been?"
    • I am all for building but I don't want to take away too much of the looks of things.
    • I honestly get lost with the track stations, I liked placing my cart on the rail and pressing the button to where I wanted to go. Now I get on, press a button, flip a lever, go in a circle, get irritated and just pick the cart up, place it and push or just walk.
    • I also don't remember when I agreed to a castle in my back door. When I agreed that there could be a path to said castle to my deck I didn't know I was going to become someone's Foyer but that seems to have happened.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. shaving, while the town hall hub is back up for discussion should we build anyway? We could run the line to a platform in the water near the town hall and then finish it off once the community has made a final decision.

    Or we could run to the current point where the snow line track joins the south line near the nether portal.
  15. I saw that too. It definitely has the griefing "look" to it, with the partially-destroyed walls and floors. I told Panda about it and she said that it used to belong to Min_Miner? (Min_Miner was recently banned) Maybe it got lit on fire during that crazy thunderstorm? Omelete you said that you saw gemrawke burning some of the wool? If so, maybe gemrawke is tearing it down.

    Yes, you must give a week's notice before tearing anything down.

    Yeah, I find the new stations really confusing too. I like the old 2-way stations better.

    Decisions it seems like three options have been presented as to where to put the central station.

    1. Move the central hub northwards, maybe somewhere in District 3. The advantage to this is that there's more empty room, but the downside is that it's far away from the city center. It seems like everyone's pretty much agreed that this isn't the best choice.
    2. Second, build the central hub in the Town Hall as planned. I like the look of the Town Hall better because it looks more like a train station. And it looks like there's slightly more room in the Town Hall than there is in the member board area.
    3. Third, build the central station in the grassy area where the member board is. I like this idea because it's a good introduction to the outpost for new have the member board and the FAQ board right there. I don't see there being a problem digging a short, underground tunnel for the rail line to come up through. The member board wouldn't have to be rebuilt, the rail line would go under it.

    It's a tough choice, but I vote Town Hall because it looks more like a train station.

    I like the idea of the line going directly to the Guesthouse area, but if we can't decide then I guess we'll have to do this option.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. When folks first said Grand Central in reference to the town hall I thought it was the skyscraper in the NE part of district 3. That is a good looking structure, can you tell I'm biased to "unsightly" towers? I think that looks like more of a rail hub from the inside than our proposed site. Obviously it is too far away to efficiently be used as a hub.

    I have been doing a lot of LLO "surveying". Checking out structures, looking in peoples basements, and like any sensible minecraft player folks have dug deep in their basements. Deep as in bedrock, so building a Grand Central that is not in the vicinity proposed would involve surface rails.

    Also as of right now our "Transportation Department" consists of Runewulf, shavingfoam, lectavison, and myself. We've placed a halt to any further rail construction until we have a definitive Rail Station. Please keep us in mind when factoring, "Oh we should go deep underground!" or "Take the lines all underwater!!!". Surface rails are easy, then there's the dangers involved in going underground near lava/stone bridging, and the severe frustration of building underwater. Ideas are great but we need to understand what they truly entail until working on them.

    (stands on soap box)
    We also need to come to terms with the idea that some building concepts sound better on paper than when deployed.
    Take for example the Town Hall, when has it ever been used? It seems all the functions it should be hosting are on these forums. How about the theatre? It looks fantastic! But it doesn't stop the fact that it hasn't been used for it's purpose. When has it ever been used for a production?

    My tower was built for two reasons, I finally got a mod that lets me see underwater so I wanted to enjoy the view, and because I wanted it to be another place for folks to set up camp. I can tell already that it will not be used unless there are a slew of inbound homeless folks. So barring my prima donna neighbor's complaints, I think I will still bring it down. Although only to sea level since the dewaterfying process was horrendous.

    Omel, direct me to a nice spot on your island.

    (gets off soap box)
  17. Look, Minecraft is about building things. That's what we all love doing. Otherwise, we'd be playing Call of Duty of whatever. It's not necessarily about building something "productive". If that were the case, we'd be doing nothing but building auto farms and stone generators. If you're worrying about the "productivity" or "usefulness" or "purpose" of every building, then you're missing the point.

    If you want to destroy your building that's your choice. But don't destroy it just because it's not "productive".

    Edit: I think your building is great and I hope you don't destroy it. I don't think you've advertised enough the fact that it's open for people to move into. Just have fun and role play a little.
  18. This seems awesome!
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. A Sword of Truth fan!
  20. You caught me! ;)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.