[GIVEAWAY] Member of the Month

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Feb 12, 2018.


How long combined have you had supporter status on EMC?

Never. 2 vote(s) 6.3%
One to three months. 11 vote(s) 34.4%
Four to twelve months. 9 vote(s) 28.1%
Over a year. 10 vote(s) 31.3%
  1. As always, I just need to know what is in these books you write :p. (oh and yeah I guess a gold supporter voucher is nice too! xP)
    24 please, my lucky number :D
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  2. Congrats again ^_^
    #4 :D
    607 likes this.
  3. Nice giveaway :)
    I'd like 57 please
    607 likes this.
  4. I'll take 57. :D
    edit: are alts allowed to participate? :p
    607 likes this.
  5. random.org tells me to pick 67! Congratulations, and thanks for the giveaway. :)
    607 likes this.
  6. 12 is my number. It wont fail
  7. Im going to pick my favourite number! It being number 69!
    607 likes this.
  8. 47 sounds good, thanks.
    607 likes this.
  9. 91, and are alts allowed?
  10. One entry per identity IRL.
    That has been picked already. :)
    That was picked in the post above you, how did you not see that? :p
    You guys are kidding, right? :p
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  11. Suppose I’ll pick 15 then.
  12. 55 thank you!
    607 likes this.
  13. 27 Please, Congrats once again!:D
    607 likes this.
  14. Congrats on Member of the Month! It is well deserved.
    I'll choose 82. Thank you!
    607 likes this.
  15. 68 please :)

    Thank you for doing this agian. My ego always like it to get things for free :)
    607 likes this.
  16. I'll take 21. Thanks!
    Also congrats on becoming Member of the Month!
    607 likes this.
  17. Lol, I'll take 93.
  18. I'll take #1, but in my heart, I choose 607 <33.
    607 likes this.
  19. 5 please and congrats!
    Jay2a and 607 like this.
  20. Just another 607 book to add to the collection :D I’ll take 35
    607 likes this.