It's that time again! My boss' daughter is my source for the sugar-filled concoctions known as Girl Scout cookies. I received my order today and that got me thinking: What is/are YOUR favorite Girl Scout cookie(s)? Mine is the caramel deLites/samoas. Moose's is definitely the s'mores, since he had me buy a case of them. If you don't have Girl Scout cookies where you live, you should read up on the types, then post what you think would be your favorite: Drooling is a totally acceptable response, just clean your keyboard after
Alright, never heard of it, but I'll read the article. I think I'd like the Shortbread/Trefoils® most. The Lemonades™ seem good also.
THIN MIIIINTS! (Im only a little addicted...) Edit: I should have added I like to use them like a straw with hot chocolate(nibble a little off each side). Suck up hot chocolately goodness in it, let it get a warm and a little mushy then pop it in my mouth! This works well with kibbler Grasshoppers as well! Alright now I need to find some cookies
Samoas are my favorite Caramel is really good, and I haven’t had the other caramel ones, so Samoas are my favorite!
I stopped looking after 3 cookies because this is bad for my brain. All too delicious. I want cookies. EDIT: also good we don't have this here, because I'd buy everything.
Those used to be my favorite when I was a kid. I could eat sleeves of them in a single sitting. Thankfully I was also a rather physically active kid...
My favorite use to be Thin MInts frozen in the freezer but then for a glorious little time, I changed my allegiances to Mango Creme. Sadly that became discontinued and i enjoy frozen Thin Mints again.
Thin Mints are the best Girl Scout cookies, however Keebler Grasshoppers are superior, and available year-round. They're like Thin Mints but fudgier. After you have Grasshoppers for a while, then go back to Thin Mints, they taste, I don't know... chemical-y. #Grasshoppers4Lyfe
Thiiiiiin miiiiiiints........ All my life, loved thin mints! Though my husband has gotten me really liking tagalongs.
Love 'em all but I have to limit myself to just the Shortbread/Trefoils these days being the lowest sugar & fat option. Others seem to instantly add to my waist size the moment they enter my mouth.
I don't mean to be a spoil sport but those cookies taste about as good as the dollar store cookies and are just as, if not worse for you. If you are going to pay that much for cookies why not go to a local bakery and get something that actually tastes good? OR make your own. My cookies are a million times better than girl scout cookies and I suck at baking. If you just make a few batches you will never go back to this overpriced poison
Because....effort. Also the intention of the cookie sales as a whole, being peddled by little girls who are trying their hardest. My favorite is to purchase from the small quiet one and watch their eyes light up because they may be too shy to speak up and really push to sell you cookies, but you buying from them anyway makes them feel like they were successful. It's not really about the cookies. It's about the girls. (former girl scout)
Way to bring seriousness into a fun thread to share our favorite cookies by Girl Scouts. Just, way to kill some fun.
I like the dead food ones, you know... the Samoas. I'm looking forward to dying happy with a belly full of delicious Samoas.