Holiday Axe: Spoilers Revealed!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. If you were around in 2013, you would have seen the release of our Holiday Pick. This year, an extra special item was created as an ode to the past. The Holiday Axe has the same enchantments as the Holiday Pick with Unbreaking V, Efficiency V, and Fortune IV. It is also Soulbound and Final.

    You will NOT find this item in your /promo commands. Instead, it is ONLY AVAILABLE IN /shopworld for 20,170r each. Go buy yours today!
  2. Yes, that'll go great on the wall.
    khixan likes this.
  3. YUSSSS!!!!!

    Imma be so broke. :oops: lol
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. :confused:
  5. ummm.. Yes!! (if you do please invite me so I can record this epic event. :p)
    LordessLevy, MCSaw, 607 and 4 others like this.
  6. OhhH festivE !!
    Theomglover likes this.
  7. a promo to keep
  8. Awesome! Wait... Fortune on an axe means... More wood!?! Nah probsably not.... *looks expectantly at devs*
    neonkillah likes this.
  9. It's promo time!

    Thumbs up for releasing it as a purchasable item only! Makes the items be a lot of special and valuable in the long run. :aikar:
    607, crystaldragon13 and Krysyy like this.
  10. Gotta keep that balance :aikar:
  11. You people and your rupee sinks e-e
  12. Gotta control the economy somehow right?

    EDIT: Even if you're someone like me who has no self control and still buys a ton of them anyway :p
    Harp4Christ likes this.
  13. Will this be available until the new year?
  14. More sacrifices to burn at BK's!
    Theomglover likes this.
  15. Gotta buy 2 so I can resell 1 for profit in 4-24 months! :D
    Theomglover and Harp4Christ like this.
  16. Should've dropped it without saying much. Would've been interesting to see the community reaction.
    Jelle68 and 586 like this.
  17. Good I've saved some money for things like this :)
    I'll be out of rupees *soon*