[ShellReview?] You have 4 days to decide!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Dec 21, 2017.


Shell friend res reviews, what do you think?

Poll closed Dec 25, 2017.
Awesome idea 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Not bad 2 vote(s) 40.0%
Uhm kweenie? (no idea what that even means!) 3 vote(s) 60.0%
Yes! err: I mean no, sorry. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Horrible idea 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Do my res. first! :P 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hi gang!

    We're getting into the Holiday season, only 1 more work day for me to go and next week I even expect company to come over. So yeah...

    As it turns out I have approx. 170 friends on my friends list. And that suddenly gave me an idea. So instead of asking everyone what they thought I figured I'd ask you guys!

    A Shell Review of my friends' res!

    Not everyone (I think I'm close to 200 friends :eek:) but randomly selected by moi.

    What such a review would look like? Glad you ask!

    Shell friend LadyJaye
    This message was not sponsored by HorseShoePlaza / /v +hsp on SMP2

    It takes some effort to reach LadyJ's residence (tunnel) but after you made it through you're greeted with the view of stables, horses and cobblestone :)

    This residence gives you a clear view of some of SMP'2 better known apartment buildings and is also located directly next to SMP2's well known HorseShoePlaza mall!

    SMP2's more luxorious district ;)

    If you look closely you'll also discover a nice tree house-like building which gives you an really nice overview of the residence and the one next to it.... SMP'2 famous HSP mall!

    ... with special thanks to LadyJady for her help and getting involved into something she had no idea off :)
    LadyJaye likes this.
  2. I mean, the problem is... I feel like you can't really give people rude reviews because that would be mean, but if you give great reviews... I mean, I don't know how many people will want this. xD Sounds fun though, it really does sound fun...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. exactly
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. Thanks for your comment, and you're absolutely right! This is also the reason I threw the idea into the community :)
  5. Let's see if you can find out on what res I build something :p

    Anyway, great idea, every time I see someone do some sort of residence review it makes me wonder why I didn't build anything on a residence jet (I currently live of creative designing) I still want to build something here, but I do have bairly enough time to finish my creative buildings for oth people...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. I seriously messed up :p how can this poll end on the 26th when I meant for it to close 4 days later?

    Anyway... I am going through with this but on a per-friend basis. Starting "soon". So basically I'm going to crash your party, make screenshots and share to the whole world when you shoo me away :D

    Naah, sorry, sorry, sorry.....

    I'll invade if you're online and only if you're ok with the idea will I snap shots and do a quick write up. If you do mind or don't want to participate then no one will become the wiser.

    So far most people I talked to are into this idea, so that should be enough for a nice thread between now and the new year :)