Been waiting for someone to say something like this for a long time. I figured out through trial and error how this system works, and here I am today. I don't think this forum is a good place for community discussion that nobody agrees with.
Where is it not? That's like saying "hey guys, do any of you like chicken?", getting a collective no, then buying chicken for your christmas party
Let me rephrase Discussion here that nobody likes will be aggressively shot down and flamed until the thread is locked Also. we're not talking about making plans. We're talking about arbitrary discussion with (usually) no real purpose or meaning.
If you'd like to discuss, I'd prefer it be in a PM, so as to not derail the thread. I've tried my best to host this thread in a non-dramatic way, while still having my opinion made.
Tell me, please, where is this thread going? What "rail" is this thread on that I am removing it from? Does it have a specific purpose? Is there any reason, whatsoever, this thread could be expected to remain positive and "railed"? No. It doesn't. You wanted to start more drama because, whether you'll say it or not, you enjoy it. No you didn't. You did the exact opposite of that. The only way it could've been worse is if you put the names right into the description. Which, let's be honest, by linking the thread we all know exactly who and what you're referring to, so how much of a difference would it really have made?
The purpose of this thread is to be a personal observation of the hostilities of the EMC forum, as well as the influence of staff statements. In regards to what: If I'm basing most of what I'm saying here off of that thread, giving no context would be a detriment to my thread. It's already abstract enough as-is, lol. The whole point of my thread would be much more confusing without a link, and I didn't make any effort to hide it. In regards to who: I directly made mention of Krysyy. I talked it out with her in private chat. I'm not sure who else I'm directly referring to in this thread. If I worded something to point towards someone in particular in a negative light, please tell me. That was far from my intention.