Alright, I vanished into the void of console gaming for awhile and forgot to check on the Empire. Did the economy here crash after the EULA "violation"? I ask because it seems promo prices dropped drastically and diamonds are now only about 100r. What happened??
I will never forget the horror of the EULA economic crash of '16. The markets collapsed and government services dwindled from lack of tax revenue. Those with the means, escaped to communities in the Wild or to other more stable servers. Homeless Villagers starved in the streets while packs of feral animals hunted amidst the chaos. Infrastructure fell into disrepair and buildings crumbled from neglect. Rival Empires warred in the Wastes for the remainders of precious resources. If not for my stock of Zombie Flesh and infinite Water pool I would not have survived although I sometimes begged for an end to my suffering. "Oh Aikar! Why have you forsaken us?", we would cry.
When I left, they were still hanging around 250-300r. It's strange, as now even promo prices seem to be affected. Well, maybe it just happens lol
The thing about an economy like EMC's is a diamond is only worth what the players decide it's worth at that time, when diamonds were 250-300 it's likely that less people had diamond gear or exploring the wild was more popular than it is now. The economy seems to be doing fine though, you'll know to worry when people stop buying and selling for rupees and items become the norm.. Which I can't see happening any time soon.
When were diamonds worth 250r lmao Promo prices are effected by what people want and what is common. Supply and demand. Why would the EULA have anything to do with what happened to the economy?
What did they change in the EULA anyway? I wasn't playing when they did it. Edit: nvm just looked it up yeah there isn't anything in the EULA that would make an impact on the economy, not in this instance anyway.
Huh? Really? I've personally never seen them that high. Which promos? Where? I'd love to buy some at that price. (because to me they still are ±120 rupees/piece?)
I’ve made approximately 7 mil in the past couple of weeks off of promo/event items, so I don’t see where the prices are falling or the economy is doing worse. Certain items will sell at better times obviously, but in general, the prices seem to be pretty steady.
Like the others posting here, I firstly haven't seen evidence for diamonds being that high, or promo prices dropping (Pots of Gold excepted), and besides, I wouldn't know what the EULA compliance would have to do with the economy dwindling.
I could've sworn they were at least 200r a piece... Been awhile, so idk lol I only brought up the EULA because I was not aware of what all had been changed and it seems that there are not a whole lotta peeps on like there used to be.
I have seen varied prices on diamonds up to 120 per and as low as 90 but it seems anything would run cycle of supply and demand with minor inflation. Aside from diamonds, I think some of the promos have dropped but usually those happen to exist in higher volumes or more recent. Not to mention keep in mind there is types of promos that will carry more value if they are one time or date related, rather than annual items. EG: Pots o' Gold are cool but because they are annual and can be purchased for 15, are likely never going to go up in price. Orange Krysyyjane Head for example is rare but as time goes on the exact same item count will grow making it less valuable in the end. There are some odd dynamics to keep in mind too: 1) Old players stop playing or have the promo. 2) New players lack funds and there are less of them today due to Minecraft aging. 3) Auctions seen only in forums not in game lower visiblity 4) The worst one of all, in my opinion is player alts. ...and I mean a lot of them on EMC a) used to collect more rupees - Mixed issue because more rupees should raise prices but not when it goes to one person in the end. That person still only buys so much stuff. b) used to run automated farms - Which lower prices by raising supply, especially for items which newer players could more easily get and use to get in to the economy more c) collect copies of promos - When this last part happens it creates a large bump of that promo up for sale which will lower values. You have less "real people" wanting an item and more of that item collected. Putting it in perspective, I know a couple players with 5-9 alts, so on a given night the servers may say 100 people on but that may only be 20 real players.
My observations are mainly based on the data collected from the shop on smp6. Since there is no more selling of rupees on the website and no more "free rupees" for supporter ranks, the inflation has stopped and since then the economy has been remarkably stable. Dropping that sources of rupee influx was obviously just the right thing to do. So the EULA has a strong stabilizing effect on the economy. I'd attribute a period of slight deflation to the time that people needed to adjust to the new situation. It seems that there are enough rupees in the economy and that new players have little problem in earning an amount that allows them convenient trading. Peak average diamond price was around 120r from 04/2015 to 02/2016. After that it has gradually decreased to around 111r in 09/2016 and has remained very stable since then. Main causes of this decrease in diamond price is overproduction and corresponding big drop in price of emeralds. Diamond armor, swords and tools are now cheaper if bought from villagers compared to crafting them with diamonds. Mending is also a factor. Does anyone think that there is now less hoarding of rupees than it was the case before the change? If that is so, it would be an interesting paradox. Here's my shop buy-and-sales volume compared to a peak in August 2015
Many people went absolutely crazy on villager trading, making the supply of emeralds be way higher than the demand; emeralds are super cheap now.
Not sure what it could be, but, probably. Also a notable price drop: beacons. They're now sold (with proper stock!) for as little as 9k each. I remember when the first beacons went for like 50k+, interesting to look back on that.
On a completely unrelated side note, there are a few auctions up now for emeralds which are ridiculously cheap. If you like emeralds...