[AUCTION] Flaming Mob Launcher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by kaptrix, Sep 15, 2017.

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  1. Who likes making bad decisions today?


    Well.... :D
    kaptrix likes this.
  2. I've been making so many bad decisions lately, one more won't hurt. :D

    Crafter, I'll save you the rupees, don't worry. ;)

    1,155,511 rupees

    oops again again
    Jelle68, ThaKloned and kaptrix like this.
  3. I'll mail it as soon as I get home today.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  4. Woo! Bad decision of the week! :D (me bidding on this)

    :p - anyways, awesome! I'll send over payment next time I log in, which will probably be Saturday, maybe Friday. Would you like to be online when I send the payment (for a screenshot), or just have me send over the rupees whenever I'm online?
    AncientTower and ThaKloned like this.
  5. Whenever you're online is fine.
  6. Do you know when you're going to be able to pay yet? I'm not in a hurry. I just don't feel comfortable sending this item before payment because I don't know you.
  7. Ah, yeah, should've said that - I'm totally fine with you sending the item after my payment (I'd even somewhat prefer it). :) I hope to be able to hop on tomorrow, but I might not be able to due to this ridiculous amount of schoolwork I have to do (especially for Monday). Don't worry, I have the rupees and really want the item, so I'm not trying to get out of it. :p
    kaptrix likes this.
  8. Not trying to be rude, but I'm going to report the auction and start it over if I don't have payment by tomorrow. It will have been a week since the auction ended.
  9. I also like passive aggressiveness.

    Also not trying to be rude, as an adult you ought to know that school goes before things like Minecraft. As I said in my post, I've been ridiculously busy with schoolwork (tests, more tests, homework, a presentation, a massive video project), and have had no time at all to log on, as you can see in this picture (taken from an alt):

    8 days and 18 hours ago being before I won this auction, the last time before that was another 9 days, and the last time before that was 18 days. You can clearly see I've had "a lot" of playtime recently. Love you too, school.

    Though I do agree that I perhaps could have sent you a PM explaining this again, the reason why I would have sent that PM made me forget about sending it.

    The reason why I couldn't quickly log in to send you the rupees was because there were also other things I have/had to do when I first logged in, making me have to spend at least half an hour online, if not much more.

    And the reason why I still was online on the forums is that I can access them from my phone, anywhere - during breaks in school, while eating dinner, after I shut down my computer to go to bed, etc.

    I do apologise for taking so long before paying, but I personally believe that that is to be blamed on all the schoolwork I have to do. I would have sent over the payment today or probably tomorrow anyways, but, oh well, if you want to do it this way, sure. I'll just go to bed after midnight again today, if that's what you want.

    I have sent over the payment now. Please mail me the mob launcher next time you're online, whether that's in an hour, a day, or a week, no problem to me. Thanks. :)

    Oh, and thanks crafter for letting me win. :)

    (if I come off as a little "rude" here, sorry - I'll have to admit that I might sometimes be a bit sensitive for messages like your last one.)
  10. If you can't pay an auction on time, don't bid on it. If you couldn't make it to your computer by the time you said you'd pay, at least PM and don't leave someone who you owe money to in the dark. I tried to be nice about it and give you time because obviously I know life happens, but what am I supposed to think when you didn't let me know anything? I don't know you and I've never dealt with you, so I can't say I trusted you after almost a week of non-payment. I hope this message is more direct than my last one and I will mail the item to you when I get off work today.
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