[Auction] The hype is REAL. ESCD

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BitcoinDigger, Sep 14, 2017.


"If everybody jumped off of a bridge, would you jump too?"

Yep 9 vote(s) 40.9%
Naw 8 vote(s) 36.4%
Whatevs 5 vote(s) 22.7%
  1. All aboard the ESCD #bandwagon.

    I'm having fun with this. As of now Sach is in the lead with a bid of....

    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. Good morning EMC!!!

    #bandwagon #copycat #auction

    A few things this morning.

    (1) Bump!!!

    (2) A formal apology to anybody whos auction I've interrupted with this little "stunt" - It did not occur to me that this could be disruptive until well after it was posted.

    (3) That being said, I'm still kinda having fun with this.

    (4) 7777r is the current bid. (this is a good deal)

    (5) Have a fantastic day today my friends!
  3. That's all ya got?

    BitcoinDigger likes this.
  4. 13337r

    Don't worry, it wasn't disruptive. :)
    BitcoinDigger likes this.
  5. 13733r
    BitcoinDigger likes this.
  6. Holy smokes - yeah! I just checked the prices on the original auctions, now way was it disruptive. lololol :D

    anyhoo....Evening bump

    Current Bid:

    15151 rupees
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  7. If only this one went as high as those... but nah, I prefer keeping it at this current pricre... :rolleyes:
    607 and BitcoinDigger like this.
  8. 16666 rupeya
  9. 16,892r
    BitcoinDigger likes this.
  10. It's morning here, and it's BUMP time.

    TomvanWijnen is in the lead with :
