Make sure your computer is safe

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Cardman142, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. Hello, I found this video on youtube -

    Just wanted to tell you all that if something on your computer pops up saying you should call a phone number... please don't it's a scam... People still fall for these. Never call a number that randomly pops up or pay with checks online. Installing mods (in my cases) install a ton if viruses and I lost a computer because the virus hacked into my hard drive and killed it.

    Thought i'd let you all know of the risks since not everyone knows...
  2. Yea this is all true, tons of people still fall for these scams everday!
    I myself also got a virus from installing mods and had to reset my whole laptop. I am lucky that I didn't have to get a whole new one!

    EDIT: Also, never click on something or download something that you don't know anything about or cant trust!
    PikminSplatoon and Cardman142 like this.
  3. I thought people knew that those were scams...
    607 and Cardman142 like this.
  4. I am 1 of the people to call it and then go and proceed to waste their time or have them"listen to the weird noise my pc is making" and then use a airhorn on my phone. Their reactions are priceless.
  5. Can you see the Windows button?

    "Um, no, let me find it."


    Did you find it?


    What type of computer are you using?

    "A mac"

    But real talk, it's a well known fact that Nigerian Prince emails have such poor grammar and wording to eliminate/minimize false positives. Be internet smart.
  6. I used to have that happen to me all the time, it popped up on internet explorer... so I disabled internet explorer because I use chrome lol
  7. you'd be surprised
  8. Such scams are interesting, but I don't engage in them. How do you get them, anyway? Does your home get called on the phone, or is it someone on Skype or something?
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  9. The phone one is a popup ad on sites with popup ads. Some you can remove and others won't let you so you have to task manager force close...

    Also I have never lost a pc from downloading. I have downloaded just over 100tb of data since 2010. And not one computer issue. But I guess I know what to avoid.
    mjnoe70 and 607 like this.
  10. My sister fell for that a year ago and somehow they spread the virus to my pc and my dad's o_o
  11. Same. (well, not the amount of data)
    I haven't installed any virus scanners in a while, as the free ones can often be a pain (perhaps the paid ones can be, too. :p).
    Yet I haven't had a virus in a while. Just keep an eye on what you're installing...
    Don't blindly click 'Next' during the installation process of whatever program, and when downloading something from the internet, make sure you get the right 'Download' button. Ads often use similar download buttons, for their own programs.
    Take extra care with sites you've never heard of, and avoid using secondary providers like Softonic whenever possible. :)
    Cardman142 likes this.
  12. What they do is they play loud music (some play the music) and make you know your computer has a virus, however they put up a number to call to 'fix' your computer.
    607 and PikminSplatoon like this.
  13. yeah... I think they can do it through your internet. Just another reason to help people be more safe.
  14. Yea. If they are on your pc they can use it to find the router ip and connect and install onto others connected through there.
    607 likes this.
  15. There is a chance that you will get a phone charge doing this, so while this is funny, I think its better safe than sorry.
    607 likes this.
  16. realizes I haven't checked activity monitor and now I know why my mac is being slow. I feel stupid XD
  17. You should have virus software installed and running at all times!

    For the guy who said he's getting virus' from the mods he's downloaded, You seriously need to find a more reliable source for your mods. I run a ton of mods on all my single player worlds (10 to 20) and I've never gotten a virus from one of them. Want to know how I know this? I run a virus software that scans everything I download.

    Here are two free virus programs that I've used.

    If you're using a reliable anti-virus software, you really shouldn't have to worry about a virus.
  18. I heard if you type in "bs9r876tg974wh" in google there a surprise waiting for you there.

    I love these youtube comments. I just love them.
  19. Let's make that a reality!