Random Thoughts/ Questions Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gilixnup, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. So I've wondered a lot of strange and random things a lot and I'd like to share them with you, and maybe along the way y'all could share some things aswell.
    I don't exactly know if this is a thread or not but if it is please let me know, I'm bad at finding things on the forums.

    Alright well Yup, here goes nothing!

    *please be kind and caring to others, everyone has a opinion*

    My first question/thought:
    Could you bleach something other colors that aren't white? Like could you dye the bleach to make it bleach something else another color?
    607 likes this.
  2. What does the inside of a sewer look like? and how dark is it in them?
  3. Haha, interesting. ;) If I'm wondering something that is 1. EMC appropriate, 2. doesn't fit into any more specific topics, and 3. fits here more than in the Random Post Thread, I'll try to think of this. ;)

    That doesn't actually (explicitly) answer the question, for me.
  4. Why is the pizza circle, the slices triangle, and the box square?
    Gilixnup and PetezzaDawg like this.
  5. Is spongebob immortal?
  6. I think this thread is a good idea but maybe base the random thoughts and question EMC related
  7. This is under miscellaneous so any topic can be covered. This is the right place for any questions. I have seen topics about cars, paintings, even personal issues that none of them are emc related. We are a family and help each other out in any way we can. This is all good.
    607 likes this.
  8. What if countries could grow socks?
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  9. Then the US would have to balance on Mexico to not get Florida's sock wet. ;)
  10. What if the world of Harry Potter is real in a parallel universe and JK Rowlings was a magical historian who got trapped in this world after a spell went wrong?!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  11. Are tomatoes just small red dwarf lettuce?
  12. I don't think so, why?
  13. Litteraly random thoughts, also what if penguins could live in the jungle?
  14. why are apples different colors? do they have emotions and the color of the apple is the color they feel?
  15. Different trees use different pigments. Simple as that.
    PetezzaDawg and 607 like this.
  16. What gender are the minions in Despicible Me?
  17. Not male or female, I think.
  18. What if your additude effected your test grades? I feel a lot of people would fail in this day and age sadly :/
    TomvanWijnen likes this.