So, I've noticed that PvP events aren't too common, so I decided to host one myself. When: Monday 24th July 8PM EMC time (could be changed) Info: There will be a minimum 3 rounds, each with different prizes, I will be in the arena trying to survive whilst everyone else tries to kill me, we will decide which arena to play based on what the people who come vote for =) Prizes: First round: 50k + 1 Lucky Rabbit's Foot, 1 2017 Empire Firework and 1 unused Prancer Second round: 50k + 1 Marlix Bow and 1/2 stack of diamond blocks Third round:50k + 2 Declaration of Independence books and 15 notch apples Any extra rounds: 10k Rules: No targeting players, other than me. This caused issues at my last PvP event and I don't want that happening again =) (hitting other people is allowed, just don't target them). All other EMC rules apply, obviously. Anyone causing issues at the event (breaking the rules) may be asked to leave, and if needed, staff will be involved. If you want to donate any prizes mail them to me with the name "Donation". Hope you all have fun =)
Sadly can't make it, will be away. And btw who wants to fight a "terrible pvper"-Sffl44. Jk jk u r not terrible. But I hope everyone has fun
Maybe, maybe not... usually not into events and all but.. I might bring my bone with me If I do make it (no promises!) I'll also try to cook up a nice review of the event.
If I can beat you once after 25mins of people fighting you continuously, I can beat you again! Well, likely not, but I can always land a lucky bow shot again.
Bump! This is tomorrow, everyone best be ready =) If you need XP to make yourself some better armour, check out my new farm here