Game Over

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Artzious, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Seriously bro? I found out cause you posted in here, and I check in on people in-game routinely.

    If you didn't get greedy, I wouldn't have found out.
  2. Ik its kinda a joke
  3. Wait d1rt and you are banned!? D:
    Lukario, Personally never met you online but I wish i could've and D1rt the short time I got to know you was awesome! :( I'm sad to see you guys go I think you would've been a great addition to our community with all your creativity and excitement (imo) that you brought to the server
    And yes it is possible to appeal for this (a friend was in the same situation and is now back on emc) lukario so please if you ever want to come back don't hesitate, but if not then i wish you luck in your life and hope you have many exciting events !
    Same goes for your D1rt if you ever wanna chat hit me up ^-^
    I'll miss you both so don't be a stranger
  4. Thanks for the kind words
  5. D1rt, if you still want to chat I am also willing too. Check your inbox :)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  6. Buy your legit accounts at 7eleven in Australia, they cost like half the US price. =P
    M4ster_M1ner and FadedMartian like this.
  7. Oo I wanna try this... Could I somehow buy them online or something?
  8. That's a joke right...
  9. Meh, can't sleep :confused:. Doesn't happen often that Minecraft somewhat keeps me awake ;)

    Now, I obviously don't have any influence over the tutorial, but for what's it worth I will see if I can do something with all this. Going to take me a little while to read up and try to find (and include) other vague services, but I'll see if I can come up with something.

    And I definitely agree with you that it can be easy to overlook the obvious.

    Still... On the front page of the MCLeaks website is a youtube video showcasing how some nitwits griefed a server while it becomes obvious that MCLeaks made it all possible. If you put stuff like that on your front page... Then I don't think it should come as a surprise that the service in general is "shadey".

    But in all honesty: I only noticed this just now because previously I completely ignored the youtube video, and I can well imagine that others do too.

    MCLeaks is bad news :(

    Note what I said above: please watch your back, if you use this crap then you can rest assured that sooner or later they'll also come after your account. It's a given.
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  10. No I wasn't talking about MCleaks but now I do feel stupid for clicking yes on "Do you really want to let this file have access to your computer" or whatever. I was talking about like a sign should say "Please see the forums to get a full list of all rules" or smth
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  11. In store only its the minecraft vouchers.
    Nope Minecraft vouchers cost AU$25 which converts to around US$17 so still make a good saving.
  12. *Goes to Australia to buy discounted account that I really don't need*
  13. Oh goodness, of course stuff like this has to happen. We've had many ban cases like this happen before, I highly suggest you take the necessary precautions to protect your minecraft accounts or you risk losing them. I've seen players who have use accounts they got from friends, I've seen players who've gotten accounts from buying from the minecraft website, and I've seen players who used hacked accounts. Those who used the hacked accounts didn't last long on EMC, but I hope you learned from this.

    One last thing about wanting alts, just look for minecraft code (not alts, those aren't reliable) giveaways on twitch or youtube, preferably by youtubers who have a decent amount of subscribers (1,000+) who upload content besides giveaways, essentially actual content creators. Fun fact, I didn't actually buy my account. I won it in a giveaway by a relatively small youtuber who does minecraft and other stuff, I thank him tremendously.

    D1rt, it would be nice to see you return. If you give a good enough explanation you could return, but of course when appealing it means you lose everything you had. The 2nd Chance Policy can help you after a certain amount of time has passed, but don't worry, it shouldn't take you 5 months before you can do it (man I was a noob when I had to go through that).
    The_Boulder and FadedMartian like this.
  14. Kakashi Sensei, May We Meet Again.
  15. Not sure if we ever met but thanks
  16. Good idea and thanks.
  17. Weird thing is. Since my ban I have got a ton of likes :p. Is that good or bad XD
  18. :confused: that's worrying
    ChespinLover77 and The_D1rt_Lord like this.
  19. ;-; We have met many times before I just had different names, I always approach you with a different name...
    (This is gonna be so auwkard if I'm wrong(I probably am wrong))