My idea for free players

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MileHi, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. What if we made it so that the very first time a player tries to log in they're guaranteed access even if it exceeds the player limit?

    ...or something like that.
  2. Yes, that is a good idea to get the ball rolling :)
  3. What about a wating list, I was just browsing through some servers the other day doing some research and one of them had a waiting list when it was at peak capacity. I think that this would go down well and ensure that people who have been waiting in line eventually get a place.

    This would be far better than a kicking system and is a viable alternative.

    Of course this would not include supporters :)
    Sanitymops likes this.
  4. Liz you have some good points but there are way more benefits to this plan then the one currently in place. The system we have now people can play (if they can get in) as long as they want. This is great if you are already an active member of the Empire. But on the other hand we are alienating almost all of the new players who haven’t been given the chance to try EMC. Who knows how many of us would even be here if it had been this way from the start.

    The current system has worked for a while now but I believe the old system just isn’t enough anymore. This brings me to a topic that is kind of touchy here on EMC. Paying to play (insert booing and name call here) the fact of the matter is the people that are able to support are providing free players with a place to play minecraft. I know that everyone doesn’t have means to support I am not suggesting that everyone should ether. But it should remarkably clear to every read this that the only way we continue, grow and move forward is to get more people playing EMC. Then those people can choose if they want to help or just go along for the ride.

    I understand this would be a major change and it would take some getting used to, but in the end it what’s best for everyone and the future of Empire Minecraft.
    -Thank you
  5. Also say you are in the waiting line, there could be a message saying for example "want to skip this? Become a supporter today at"
    Dark_Liz, nnnnmc1 and lolkold like this.
  6. Its why I suggested a waiting list :) There are other ways of getting around this issue, lets not hastily opt for one idea, lets look at the alternatives first :)
  7. A waiting list in conjunction to the 1 minute grace period could prove to be very successful. After a minute from a player disconnecting the first person in the line would be allowed to join. Also if that person doesn't join within a certain time limit the next is allowed to join and so on.
  8. I was a diamond supporter after spending only 10 minutes on the server. If that
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  9. A waiting list only helps people who have already TRIED EMC and are willing to wait. NOT new players who have not gotten the chance to try it.
  10. I was one of them. ^^ I didn't become diamond at first though.
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  11. i do not think this is a good idea at all, i cant pay for this for much longer (donation) and i wouldnt care waitng for a slot, but i stay on around 4 to 8 hours a day
  12. In my eyes, an enforced play-time is a Bad Thing© as you have to take into consideration people that may only get one evening a week free to play and so will smash eight hours in straight of MC because it's the only chance they'll get.

    It would definitely have put me off Empire if this had been in place when I joined.

    However, the idea has merit and perhaps some tweaking will make it an effective and voluntary act.

    If it can somehow be implemented that:

    If your character spends 'x' hours in bed out of every 'x'hours then your character gets 'x' more experience per mob or 'x' more rupees per day or something that will make the player think: "Right, going to log now and get my bonus, I'll come back in an hour."

    This will have people building and using beds and reaping a benefit for doing so whilst at the same time freeing up slots for other players to jump on.

    If you're very lucky things will go into a natural rotation and you'll have people in shift patterns without realising it!

    Obviously, the bonus needs to be worth the player logging out. Perhaps it can be incremental so the longer you're logged off for up to a maximum of 'x' hours the more bonus you get?
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  13. Or you can do what I just did and in a fury at trying to log on for the last thirty minutes, get the cheapest Supporter option available and drink one pint of beer less a month. :D
    Twitch1, Dark_Liz and nnnnmc1 like this.
  14. Great :D
    until I get my own credit card.
  15. I have a new idea!!! What if after the allotted time there was a bleed out meter? So if you’re a free player you would get your 2 hours of free play a day but every min. you went over that time it would take rupees away like 3 rupees a min. or some like that. I think that would add a whole new dimension to the game. Maybe this system could all so have a trail period for new players who don’t have any rupees yet like 15 or 30 days where the bleed out meter wouldn’t affect them. So they can build up there rupees.

    But it’s just an idea let me know what you guys think

  16. I think thats kinda the same, people will still have to log out after 2 hours, maybe less than 3 rupees per min, or per 5 min instead.
  17. free enchanting at 4048 on smp2
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  18. That’s kind of the idea…

    But at least they would have a choice to pay with rupees
  19. Ok then, how about having what Liz said about first time people getting to play in conjunction with what I said?

    I do not think that would work, what happens if a player has no money? For some players money is a valuable commodity and having to pay your own ingame cash just to play on the server is ludicrous and would inhibit the players ability to pay for ingame items from peoples shops etc.