[GIVEAWAY] Want To Win This Stuff?!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by DorianPavus_, May 14, 2017.


Tsundere or Yandere?

Tsundere 7 vote(s) 21.9%
Yandere 4 vote(s) 12.5%
This is a weird poll.... 2 vote(s) 6.3%
What is Tsundere and Yandere? 10 vote(s) 31.3%
Potato? 9 vote(s) 28.1%
  1. i donut understand what this means
  2. Seriously?
    You said "i have never heard of someoen whos 6 feet 1 inch and only weighs 98 lbs xD". Of course you thought tuqueque meant 6'1", that was obvious.

  3. Anyway, more relevant: I'm curious as to how you'll decide who's 'closest'! :)
    Lady_Eliza likes this.
  4. Ok so what I am going to do be doing is looking at everyones post and if they get something right and if they get something right I give them a "point" for each thing they get correct. If there is a tie between points of 2+ players I will give them each a number and use random.org to decide that for me. Hopefully that wasn't tooooo confusing because I am not good with words xD

    Hair: Aqua (correct +1)
    Eyes: Black (incorrect)
    Height: 7 ft. (incorrect)
    Weight: 23 pounds (correct +1)
    Clothing Style: My little pony shirts or plain pink shirts with leggings (incorrect)
    the total points for that player is 2 because they got 2 things right so now I move onto the next person to see how many points they get.

    Also at the end I will say what my hair color, eye color, weight, height, and clothing style is~!

    Hope this helped :p
    607 and K_Kick like this.
  5. i now understand
    Lady_Eliza likes this.
  6. If this is still going:

    Hair: Brown
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 146 Lbs
    Clothing Style: Classic T-shirt, leggings, shoes, like a normal person would.
    Lady_Eliza likes this.
  7. You probably look Great ;)! (Yay Haas has been nice again!)

    Do I win now :p?

    Anyways here are my guesses, even though it is weird seeing that I would have to base everything of nothing really xP (well, the fact that you are 13 years old):
    Hair color: Chestnut brownish
    Eye color: light brown
    Height: 1.52 meter
    Weight: 42 kilograms
    Clothing style: mostly black with a bit of a different color colored T-shirts, a big variation in clothing for your legs, and probably one or two small things like a ring or small neclase
  8. Bump...bump...boop
  9. Bump, only a couple days left to enter!
  10. Bump~!
    This is the last day you can enter this giveaway
    Tomorrow I will be announcing the winner in the late afternoon
    Sorry If it is a little delayed, I have to get ready for an overnight school field trip tomorrow because I depart on Thursday
    Tuqueque likes this.
  11. The Winner is RunderCaster!
    Access Sign will be set up shortly at /v +Eliza on smp8 :D

    Here is my description:
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 62.5 in.
    Weight: 77 pounds
    Clothes: Lots of anime t-shirts, my lovely Victorian tailcoat with a hood, lots of black clothes, occasionally a silver necklace and ring and when I am feeling better than everyone else I wear a golden colored necklace with golden colored bracelets up my arm xD
    607, Rundercaster and haastregt like this.
  12. I'll swing round later to pick the prize up, thanks for hosting Spart =)
    Lady_Eliza likes this.
  13. Thanks for hosting once again Eliza, and congrats to Rundercaster :D

    Although I was pretty close, the accuracy in your prediction (@Rundercaster) is really impressive! :p
    Patr1cV, _Levy_McGarden_ and 607 like this.