This came up in an in game convo as it was hailing hard at my house IRL. MC should have hail storms. Imagine you're out getting materials on a nice sunny day exploring the waste, all of a sudden a Thunderstorm happens as it does, with the lightning and on a 30% spawn rate hail comes pounding down on you doing damage, not much but enough that it forces you to build an emergency shelter or hide in caves or under trees till it passes. (Imagine Blizzard shooting down from the sky at a bit slower rate.) I think it would be neat to all of a sudden be forced to do something you didn't plan on doing nor anticipated. The best part of MC is doing something that is unique and bizarre, keeping the game refreshing.
Physics... with wind... During a rain storm, the wind could get strong it would knock trees down... Or maybe some knocks the main support of your building and the whole thing comes crashing down... maybe you build in air, but forget that there is nothing holding it up, so it comes crashing down...
I would actually enjoy this as an addition, provided it were optional. It would suck to spend months building your base and then having it destroyed. Although I think Mojang ruled out adding it for that very reason, so...
I have long thought there should be sharks in the ocean or deep ocean. There is nothing in that biome that is a threat to any player. Of course there's guardians but those are easily avoided. Add Octopuses or even a Kraken that that could be a mini boss fight underwater. The elder guardian hardly does any damage and they are trapped in rooms. In fact I have a hard time damaging them as most strikes come up "It appears the monster is having difficulty reaching you. The attack has been canceled" Or something like that. Alligators in the swamp as well Point is Ocean mobs should be added.
Tons of millions of fish in the water that are visible and swim around as well as huge whales to make us lag to death
Steel wool, you dye the a sheep with 1 iron ingot, and every time you shear the sheep, you get 1-3 iron blocks!
Realistic mc, physics as well as placing a block takes about 1 min and breaking a stone block takes tnt or 4 min with a pick, actually this could be pretty much sumed up as the terrafirmacraft mod which makes everything and i mean everything realistic but of corse its not an optional mod its part of the game
I feel that steel wool would be a cool redstone component to transfer a the signal strength(like comparators, but with any of the iron wool next to it
Is this thread dead? DEMORTIFICATION POWERS ACTIVATE! (autocorrect tried to spell democratic action powers activate XD!)
ahahha beeef, although i'm interested in your guys CPS I used to be 10-13 cps at my tryhard era I'm not sure now