Me neither bro, me neither. If this does happen (zombie apocalypse), Im gonna jump off a cliff or sumpin' XD
Btw, for zombies to be made, DNA in people would have to be altered to create zombies, which doctors say is impossible. Also, the man could have just been a psycho or had a rare disease that makes him a savage or something. I hope this helps you guys sleep :/
*puts up his Ray Ban, opens his closet, puts a secret code and opens his armory. Cleans it up and takes his car, goes to the airport and parks to the side of his priv jet, ask the pilot to fly into Canada, descends at (insermrlegitislegit'scityhere) and takes his other car, goes to legit house and he is still watching this post.*
We should make the club of the rich people that can and will buy an island to avoid the zombie infestation. Lol.
Theyre not zombies. It was some guy who was , umm,high so much he wanted to eat someone and be able to keep going til hes dead.
Hmmm whats with the umm? Maybe he WAS a zombie. Because Methnks that you are coming up with an plan to take over Earth Oid. Or should I say...the zombie that bit the guy!
Classified info. Ive already had The US surrounded. Its too late for you! You cant escape the apocalypse now!
OH NOES! *calls in 100000 destroyers which do nothing* *rage* Bye bye! *takes a areospace plane and arms it with tactical nukes and enough oxygen to colonize and settles on Mars.*